Well, better than a dinosaur, and a yellow one with thumbs, human-like teeth, and no real way of defending itself if a carnivorous predator shows up, messing with a ton of inventions just to get sprayed in the face with cheese.
Momizi is such a cute mascot, I hope her Mac&Cheese product does well ^-^
@BenNelsey, Oni Neko, 3Power:
I might be falling for a deadpan gag, but just in case all of you are serious, “Mac” in this case is short for “macaroni”. Specifically, it refers to this.
“No way! That’s impossible!” exclaimed Marisa Kirisame upon being told that the “Mac” in “Mac and Chesse” stands for macaroni. “I mean, I alreadly knew that, as did everyone else ever, except maybe that (9)… But still! Shocking!”
However, when asked what Momizi had to do with Mac and Cheese, Ms. Kirisame reported she had no clue. “Maybe it’s because she’s a wolf, and that’s like a dog, and a type of dog is scottish terrier, and scottish people have mac in their names… Or maybe it’s because wolves are… krafty… Or maybe I’m over thinking things and it’s just because Momizi has a zi sound in her name. Which is silly because it’s pronounced Ji anyway :/”
Seriously, yeah, not what I’m confused about at all. Why Momizi? What’s the Pun? :/
Yeah, judging by several comments here, and the fact that I didn’t get over half the jokes in the previous post either (particularly “Reisen Bran” and “Two scoops”, which everyone seemed to be going on about), I don’t think the jokes mean much to anyone who doesn’t live in America. =/
I can imagine that “Momiziest” was originally “cheeziest”, but “cheeziest” isn’t pronounced like “cheejiest” anyway…
Which can grant you the power of danmaku! (foralimitedtimeonly) but no spell cards… (sincemomizidoesn’thaveany) BUY SOME AT YOUR NEAREST RETAILER….TODAY!
Sorry to point out the obvious, but I was following from BenNelson’s comment about not owning a Mac, so I made sure to note the context of “mac” here and provide a link to the Kraft site where the “cheesiest” slogan could be seen too. I thought I’d covered all the possibilities that way…
Blame it on the Kunrei romanization system, which goes for a more consistent spelling (sa si su se so, ta ti tu te to), but thus makes it trickier for non-Japanese speakers to pronounce correctly. For native Japanese, “Momizi” and “Momiji” are pronounced the same.
Hope that’s imitation cheese; real dairy isn’t good for dogs…
…why yes, of course! Clearly. But Momizi is a wolf that can use magical danmaku powers anyway.
Second comment grab! (psst nobody cares)
I took me a while to get the joke. It’s an extra cheesy pun.
Momizi’s willing to share it with Aya… right?
Real cheesy. :V
I got the mac and cheese blues~
i am sure is quite perterbed that he/she didn’t come up with this first.
This just makes me happy all over.
Well, better than a dinosaur, and a yellow one with thumbs, human-like teeth, and no real way of defending itself if a carnivorous predator shows up, messing with a ton of inventions just to get sprayed in the face with cheese.
Momizi is such a cute mascot, I hope her Mac&Cheese product does well ^-^
Waaah, so cute!! Yet so very cheesy!! =w=
this is a work of a true genius. and its cheesy
mmm. It’s sooo cheesy.
This sells!
I…dont get it, but everyone else seems to have gotten it
prolly because i don’t own a mac? i dunno DD:
Somebody translate.
Oh, whoops. Wrong Mac.
Sorry, I don’t get it :/
Momiziest = :3
Huh. Did Momizi steal Aya’s hat, or is that just standard issue tengu wear?
I will purcase every box…
@BenNelsey, Oni Neko, 3Power:
I might be falling for a deadpan gag, but just in case all of you are serious, “Mac” in this case is short for “macaroni”. Specifically, it refers to this.
“No way! That’s impossible!” exclaimed Marisa Kirisame upon being told that the “Mac” in “Mac and Chesse” stands for macaroni. “I mean, I alreadly knew that, as did everyone else ever, except maybe that (9)… But still! Shocking!”
However, when asked what Momizi had to do with Mac and Cheese, Ms. Kirisame reported she had no clue. “Maybe it’s because she’s a wolf, and that’s like a dog, and a type of dog is scottish terrier, and scottish people have mac in their names… Or maybe it’s because wolves are… krafty… Or maybe I’m over thinking things and it’s just because Momizi has a zi sound in her name. Which is silly because it’s pronounced Ji anyway :/”
Seriously, yeah, not what I’m confused about at all. Why Momizi? What’s the Pun? :/
I dunno but yay for colors…
Yeah, judging by several comments here, and the fact that I didn’t get over half the jokes in the previous post either (particularly “Reisen Bran” and “Two scoops”, which everyone seemed to be going on about), I don’t think the jokes mean much to anyone who doesn’t live in America. =/
I can imagine that “Momiziest” was originally “cheeziest”, but “cheeziest” isn’t pronounced like “cheejiest” anyway…
And i thought Momizi Momiji would just call it “KD”.
Looks good. I think I will sprinkle some salt and danmaku bullets on it.
Kanako-brand DanMac & Cheese!
I go with the “momiziest” = “cheesiest” XD
Reisen Bran = Raisen Bran, a cereal with raisens in it.
@3Power: Oh, thanks for the explanation. =D
Reisen Bran, now with 50% less fake bran flakes.
Kinda related:
Which can grant you the power of danmaku! (foralimitedtimeonly) but no spell cards… (sincemomizidoesn’thaveany) BUY SOME AT YOUR NEAREST RETAILER….TODAY!
and don’t forget, to buy some of our other products! Spaghettmoukous, Rigatalice, and Ravitenshis!
Sorry to point out the obvious, but I was following from BenNelson’s comment about not owning a Mac, so I made sure to note the context of “mac” here and provide a link to the Kraft site where the “cheesiest” slogan could be seen too. I thought I’d covered all the possibilities that way…
Blame it on the Kunrei romanization system, which goes for a more consistent spelling (sa si su se so, ta ti tu te to), but thus makes it trickier for non-Japanese speakers to pronounce correctly. For native Japanese, “Momizi” and “Momiji” are pronounced the same.
Okay, that’s kind of creepy.
And with moar Momizi! :D
No way, that’s imMOMIZIble!
I died a little bit inside.