Videos for Sept 20, 2009

Not too many videos this week either! First one is a cover of Demetori’s Necrofantasia by Souryu, and the second one is some… weird thing, related to that Okuu Nuclear Fusion Dojo PV.




Create.swf – Wriggle (Revised)

Added a revised version of Wriggle to create.swf. Yep.

Political Attack Ads

Somehow I feel like I already made a daily flash about this… but maybe I didn’t; who knows! Anyhow, attack ad campaigns kinda just make the person look desperate… I guess. I don’t know. However, they do work sometimes. Seeing some of these ads has convinced me that this one candidate is a jerk, even though I don’t know anything about his political stuff. Probably because I don’t follow politics at all. Oh, and also, I fail at coming up with fictional names and didn’t feel like using a name generator.

Chen Run

This is what happens when I get lazy and procrastinate!! A hastily-drawn 12fps animation with an unconvincing background and only three actual frames of character animation! Oh well, here’s Chen.

Keine Cowbell

Well, as suggested, here’s Keine with a cowbell. Don’t have much time to color it, so it will remain in black and white! The swinging animation is probably way wider than it should be, I guess. Oh well.