Merry Christmas, everybody! Actually, this flash doesn’t have too many Christmas-related objects in it… I probably should’ve thought about that more. I think I’ll go add some in right now, so if you check back later and see some different stuff in there, that’s probably why. And the flash actually takes place on Christmas Eve, which makes me think I should’ve released it yesterday. Oh well, enjoy! In other news, I’m thinking of making a few more short (like, really short) Touhou flashes over the course of this week, since I probably won’t have much else to update with.
Chrismas stuff added! The characters are wearing Christmas-colored clothing and there are more Christmas objects randomly lying around! If you want to see how it looked like before I made these changes, you can see the original one here.
I just KNEW that previous flash was too short to be the full thing. Merry Christmas!
Feliz navidad para ti tambien!
Happy christmas for you,too!
lol for the christmas tale….and poor Aya…i want hold her.
Hahaha, brilliant
merry christmas
That was awesome. Merry Christmas, Walfas.
Poor Aya …..
oh well Merry Christmas
Real meat level of burger reduced from 5% to 2% lol
I’m glad that Letty came back
and Merry Christmas!
Brilliant, awesome, etc.
Wonder how the people at Nicovideo will react to your nicovideo spoof.
They’ll love it. I know they will.
Pity Reimu didn’t set Aya’s box on fire.
And uh, I have a rough short-story concept that’s been floating around in my head for a while that could work for a Walfas short, or even a series thereof. Kirby, I can run it by you if you want, but based on the response to your other dual-written video I fully understand if you’d rather not. :P
(To be honest though, it’s more a silly idea to work from than a set plotline, but eh.)
Reimu is a bully :(
E-mouse: Well, if you have an account on Shrinemaiden forums, you can send it to me there (forum name KirbyM), and I’ll see what I can do with it.
Happy holidays~
Great flash as always.
Christmas is here!
Wait… how could Mokou and Kaguya gone to preschool with Reimu if they are thousands of years old…
Reimu used Logic! Kaguya set on fire!
OBJECTION!! I present this photo of Remilia and Flandre Scarlet! As you can clearly see, these sisters could easily pass as preschoolers. HOWEVER! They are hundreds of years old! Now tell me, if it’s possible for these sisters to look like this at their age, would the same not be possible for immortals such as Kaguya and Mokou? It is possible for them to go to preschool at the same time as Reimu did, if this is indeed true. Prosecution, your argument is flawed!
OBJECTION!! The defense has clearly been playing too much Phoenix Wright, and has not actually gone to law school!
Yes, this is true. WAIT, WHO SAID THAT?!
To be continued… (or not)
So Kaguya and Mokou had a growth spurt in the last few years?
“I think the lights just went out.”
I feel so sorry for aya. But, merry christmas anyways. Hope aya will still be alive when lily comes around.
There is a severe lack of Mima…
Indeed good argument… IF they were immortal to begin with. But they are only since they drank the Hourai Elixier… since then, afaik, they wont grow older anymore
however, WHO cares? xD great flash…
Do they know it’s Christmas time at all? Sounds like a yes!
Like that “Yuyu Co.” pun thing. It also conveyed a great message for the environment. Lol and props. Hope y’all had a Merry Christmas.
…I actually have nothing to say, and thought something would pop up by the time i finished saying it…
Except Merry (belated) Christmas and thx for the great flash again!
Hehe, MikoVideo
gj, yet another great flash.
Lol that was awesome
I have to say, that video was absolutely hilarious. It was even funnier watching it on Nico Nico Douga and reading the reactions. XD Oddly enough, some of the jokes worked BETTER in Japanese than in English. Like the “What was that Reimu?” “I’M GOING TO KILL YOU!” “That’s right, Christmas!” translated to “KO-RO-SHI-MA-SU!” “Sou! Kurisumasu!”
Also, there were people lamenting the fact that Yuyuko spent most of her screen time on fire xD