Art Class: Day 4


Today in the morning class, we had a guest speaker who talked to us about some important plot elements: antagonists, inciting incidents, resolutions, and guiding ideas. It was interesting because I never really consider these things when I make daily flashes; I just make them. I kinda find it easier to just make them without thinking of these things, but that’s probably more suited for things that are made quickly and often, as opposed to longer works that take a lot more time to make. Then we got to work on our comics and stuff. I redrew the first page so Unnamed Character is at school instead of on a random street.

In the afternoon class, we worked on some morphs. I did CatBread, and when I finished, I made UnnamedBox. Then we learned about squash and stretch! We spent the last few minutes animating something jumping, so I made a jumping cat. I don’t know why I keep drawing cats.

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