Art Class: Day 3 (And Hina Spin)

Here’s some stuff I did in class. In the morning class, we were supposed to draw something bad happening to our character, and later we had to draw the problem being resolved somehow. Unnamed Character avoided death-by-car because she fell to the ground after dodging a bullet from an imaginary pirate. Then we did some figure drawing, and I had to stand in one spot for like ten minutes while people drew me. The person posing next to me got to sit in a chair, but I guess that’s fine, since she sort of offered me the seat before we began. Anyway, for homework, we had to sketch out the first page for a possible comic.

In the afternoon class, we went over some more flash basics, and went over character rotation. Since I had already animated Unnamed Character spinning, I decided to animate Hina, based on some of the comments from yesterday. I colored it even though we weren’t really supposed to, but it didn’t take that long. I’m getting more used to using “those circles with the lines through them” now, but I kinda notice that sometimes it makes character heads a lot wider than they would normally be, which kinda reminds me of Hidamari Sketch (although my whole art style is basically inspired by Hidamari, so that’s not very unusual to me). Anyhow, I might use this animation again later if I can think of something to use it for.

After character rotation, we played an interesting game that involved drawing and writing stuff. Everyone starts off with a bunch of index cards, and everyone draws something and passes it to the left. Then, everyone writes a description of the image on a different index card, puts it on top of the first index card, and passes it to the left. Then, everyone has to draw a picture based on the description (but they can’t look at the original picture). It’s kinda like that telephone game, but with drawing and writing.

After that, we morphed a block of cheese into a mouse with frame-by-frame animation. Our homework was to come up with something to morph, so I just drew a cat and a loaf of bread. I would’ve done something like… a pinecone and Patchouli, but I did that already. The next part is to make some sort of character sheet, so I just drew a bunch of Unnamed Character heads with different facial expressions. I don’t know why I drew what I did on the bottom of the page, though.

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