First thing I thought of when the physics teacher drew a boat on the board was “nice boat.” I said it to my group, but nobody understood (well, I don’t really understand it much either, but it was a nice boat). That’s the thing about internet memes… most people don’t understand them in real life, and if you say them, they’ll look at you weird. Oh well!
In other news, I updated create.swf with Suika, a
“Fangirl Youmu” face (as requested by Kebinu on the Touhou imageboard), one of those… uhh… three white line things expressing some sort of emotion, and a bar-looking background. I’ve never actually been in a bar, because I’m 16 and whatnot, but I’m guessing this is how it would look like, judging by the thousands of bars I’ve seen on the internet and on television.
The three white lines usually indicate laughter. >_>