Two videos! Orin dancing and a really short Reimu car-driving RED ZONE thing.
Oh, and also requested for today’s video post was a translated version of “The Cursed Tape Enters Gensokyo”. I haven’t really watched them, but here they are: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3A, Part 3B
1: Not that interesting… <–doesn't like Orin much
1: i found it cute. i liked it and i like Orin
2: seems that thing is becoming more popular? i always laugh at it, and it needs to be longer
Why was the second one so short?!
ah the cursed tape 83
that ghost can never survive in gensokyo ^.^~
1: Aww, that’s cute.
2: …Why so short? ;_;
Also, thanks for linking my videos! =D
Sadako got owned xD
Kappa “Monster Cucumber!”
Oh, man… Funny things always seem funnier when I’m tired, and I would’ve laughed at the second video anyway, but… yeah. Also, yay at something being able to make me think Orin was at least a little cute. =D
1. Wheee, cute~
2. I think the shortness was part of its charm, actually.
Also, I remade another Scarlet Weather Archive~
1) Kawaii~
2) I want the full version of this!
Cursed videos: That was quite interesting~ Though I did feel bad for Sadako in the end I hated that girl ever since I watched the movie! >_<
*…in the end. */sarcasm* I hated that…*
First video is part of a niconico meme
1) I liked i-
red zone is lulzy.
1.- Cute
2.- LOL
Cursed tape: still watching it…
aww Orin’s soo cute when shes dancing….AND LOL at Reimu driving a car XD why do they need cars?? they can fly! XD
lmao, oh no, Reimu
her face…
is that the Gmod in the 2nd vid? looks a lot like it..hope it is in Gmod…then I shall download it and make 9-ish things!