Create.swf – Star Sapphire (Revised)

Added a revised version of Star Sapphire to create.swf. There’s a Star Sapphire 2A and 2B because I started out drawing the hair (the hair that is now 2B) and then thought “wait this doesn’t look like it” and redrew it, but decided I might as well keep the other hair. Anyway, also added these things:

Objects: satellite dish, comic book opened 2, couch (colorable), soda can (colorable), Pocky, scooter, grimoire 2 (colorable), whip (colorable), machete, yogurt in cup, aviator shades, dollar
Back: butterfly, butterfly (pink, yellow, green, blue)
Hat: Trilby hat (black, brown), ram horns
Accessory: aviator shades
Item: whip
BG: cathedral

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