Yes, here it is! Reimu starts a burger restaurant because she needs money. And then a series of events follow it! Yeah! And stuff. Awesome. Oh hey look at that, it’s October 8th here. I’ll be leaving now. If you see any mistakes and whatnot, you know what to do.
I have a feeling something is going to burn
Also, did you throw in the “What are we, Japanese?” part because of the Nico comments on Hakugyokurou’s kitchen?
Hahaha, that was spectacular!
The Pokémon battle had me laughing for quite a while.
asdffds oh god
Cirno was funny. China was funny. Kaguya and Mokou were epic. Then Yuyuko. Oh my god Yuyuko. That was also the most epic thing Reimu has done. Cheers man!
Great work yet again. Especially Berserk Eye Reimu. I would like to request that face for the next character creation update please. :D
Lol pokemon part.
You shouldve added in the victory song!
This is awesome. I’m quite the fan of your flash videos, and this was the best one yet.
epic man epic.
You should continue where you left off lol
Needs more ying yang orb Z!!
“Also, did you throw in the “What are we, Japanese?” part because of the Nico comments on Hakugyokurou’s kitchen?”
I just added it because of one of the suggestions on the imageboard thread about how I should start using suffixes like “-sama” and whatnot.
“Great work yet again. Especially Berserk Eye Reimu. I would like to request that face for the next character creation update please. :D”
That’d be kinda hard to do, because of the way the layers and stuff are configured. It’s not just the hair on one layer, it’s the entire head, and since the… uhh, the eye thing is pretty much a black thing under the hair, and the face layer is above the head layer… yeah. I think I could try changing some stuff around, though. Oh wait, but then the faces would be below the hair… yeah, unfortunately it’d be a bit hard to do.
Awesome. =D
Reimu was quit lulz at the end.
I lol’d in real life
Your flashes keep getting better and better, srsly.
No way! That’s impossible!
There is only one way this flash could get ANY better, and that’s if you add “IT’S SUPER EFFECTIVE!” into the Pokemon battle.
Besides that, absolute WIN.