“Yousei” means “fairy” in Japanese… or so I think. Anyway yeah, here is the flash, an Usatei parody. It seems really short now that I think about it. The comic part took the longest to make, because I had to trace stuff and then attempt to sync it correctly and all that. After that, it was pretty easy, but it’s not as action-y as the original flash. But there’s interweb chatting! Yeah! And here it is on YouTube. The video quality sucks, though.
It’s so fast!
⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨⑨ to be exact.
I read it all the first time :)
Epic win!!
YuKaRiN knocks on the shrine door.
YuKaRiN knocks on the shrine door.
YuKaRiN knocks on the shrine door.
YuKaRiN knocks on the shrine door.
YuKaRiN knocks on the shrine door.
YuKaRiN knocks on the shrine door.
YuKaRiN has disconnected.
Oh wow that was awesome.
KIRBY!! Heed my words! Know that you are SPECIAL, and DIFFERENT from all the others! So when the bastards like your teachers, your ex-friends, your co-workers, etc put you down and call you otherwise, remember that your are one of the gems of the world, nay of this COSMOS! You are a child of a new era, an heir to a bright and glorious future! Take to heart your unique quality and march at the head of the masses into the dark and unknown future, your shimmering gaze spotlights of hope for all the poor, misunderstood, and unfortunate!
Great job! Loved every second.
Brilliance. Absolute brilliance.
Was that the greatest thing ever? Why yes. Yes it was.
Thank you for this piece of brilliance.
nice effort, too bad cirno got no wings.
holy wow that was awesomexcellent
That chat session piece was hilarious.
Well worth the wait. A great flash.
ZOMGWTFLOLBBQ, I hecka cracked up watching this. That was very lol and so flipping brilliant. What else can I say?
Amen, Newprimus. Amen.
Fucking genius. I won’t be surprised if this shows up on Nico Nico.
I’d be more surprised if it hasn’t already…
A great piece of Cirno, although I too wish she had wings, still a great piece of Cirno work~
I like it
nuff said
Nice FLASH!!
Nitori returns! And she wants YOUR truck Kaguya! Very well done and awesome way of making a new Usa Tei. XD
Meh, same old same old.
If it isn’t broken, why fix it? Awesome as always.
But it is broken; before the jokes were decent when they first were shown, but now I just want the flash to end.
Your flashes do need more Yuka. And Yukari x Yuka. Especially when Yukari tYpEs l1Ke D1S. Would drive someone up the wall.
Seriously though, I loved it. Especially the random NEET and her plea for Eirin. XD
LOL disatisfied Anon, you could always you know, NOT keep watching Kirby’s flashes?
Here’s the thing Kirby: Reviewers are ALL best taken with a large grain of salt. Many of them are out there not to give actual reviews but to stoke their own ego. If there’s one thing that solidly lays down how well or badly people take your work, it’s how often it’s viewed, talked about, or reposted, etc. And considering people talk about it a lot on pooshmler and how quickly it’s getting reposted and translated on nicovid, people must certainly like your work enough—definetly enough to see the need to get it reposted on nicovid and then TRANSLATED for goodness’ sake.
Well, I pretty much expect negative criticism with every flash I make, but I’m usually surprised at how little of it there actually is. I know what they mean when they say I reuse jokes and it’s the same old stuff every time, and I try to limit the recycled jokes because of that (sometimes unsuccessfully, but clearly, I didn’t try do that in this flash). It’s valid criticism, and I respect the fact that they’re not just saying things like “LULZ IT SUX” but are instead backing it up with a reason.
Waking up to this, is beautiful
Hectic, and amazingly awesome
Cirno9 runs into a tree.
Oh god I can’t stop laughing
I love you so much, Kirby
It’s got good pacing and really funny moments. The bit with the tree was priceless, but everything that happened after that was really fast–had to go over the last part a few times to get all the details that happened. Looking forward to your next flash.
dont listen to them man, its awesome, but way too fast for me.
lol, i liked it, keep it up
Best part is definitely that they’re advertising the MacGyver Season 1 box set on the video page on Nicovideo.
Something fun about Usatei and Cirno:
The original Usatei video has a counter of the number of replays. When the counter reach 9 the animation is very special (Cirno replaces Tewi in some screens).
Also, 33th, 66th, 99th and 100th are special… ¿Do you have enough time to waste?
Better yet, just have “Sorry, there are no secrets here.” crop up during the ninth repeat.
congratulations…because the persons who can laugth from his own things are really wonderful…
good gob! go Kirby go!
Really great comprehension・・・ Really great comprehension.
↑Wrong statement↑
Really great comprehension・・・ I respect him!!
You are the best thing since sliced bread.
God damn, I laughed hard at this. Good job.
You win some waffles.
HoW i GoNnA gEt YoU dOwN?
Yukari’s line in this flash are pure win
pfffft bwahahahahahaa.
the text part was hilarious.