This made me happy. Especially the “who do you worship” montage. Cirno and the Toaster? It explains so much.
The electric noise isn’t as viscerally appealing as the explosion/burning noise though. Nor is the animation. I suppose fire is just more appealing than lightning.
Woah woah woah. As I watched it a second time, I noticed something: When the Hell did Mokou finally get a truck? Sure enough, the memo has not reached me on this one.
Also, I think Keine is imagining Mokou using that truck in a manner not normally done by little kids, if you know what I mean.
Ars, ‘when did Mokou get a truck?’ I don’t know if she actually has a truck story wise, I would think its just Keine feeling happy imagining Mokou with a truck.
Don’t worry, Sanae is just a lvl 1 Miko. She doesn’t get Miko-Murder ’till level Reimu (That’s right I have the power to level into names.) So all she knows is Miko-Coersion. She doesn’t get Miko-Extortion until Lvl Cirno. Hooray!
Everyone complaining about the unimpressiveness of Sanae’s electrocution needs to remember that, when Reimu was first blowing things up, she could only attack computers, and then it only worked after using HAX.exe and inducing a BSoD. It took several flashes before she was able to make a spellcard for it.
Oh, and I finally got around to watching this on Miko Video (even though the subs aren’t done yet, apparently). I like how “HOORAY!” is one of the video’s tags.
Well, I have a account on ShrineMaiden, I know how to use the note(or PM, whatever), I typed everything include the codes(the picture).
And then, “send”, and nothing happens, and then a “cannot connect the host” error appears…
I tried IE and Firefox and Opera, even Konquror, the same problen occurs, and I have no ideas what happened.
All I can do is to blame the Chinese government for… you know, not allow me to send anything.
Lol, I translated some mikovideo comments for the lulz.
“Are all of Walfas’ shrine maidens like this?” (when Sanae bullies Suwako), with several cries of “that’s too cruel!” throughout the brainstorming, and a “miko = horrible people”
“Wal-san works quickly.”
(during the press conference) “Does the author know of Border Inc.?” (reference to track 7 of the “touhou suisuisuusuu” IOSYS cd)
“Why does ⑨ shout “hooray”?”
“I wonder why does Sakuya-san always gold a flowerpot?”
A few comments on the lack of Kourin.
“Walfas (16 years old american female high school student) can’t read japanese.” (this seemed quite random)
At your and Kilgamayan’s self-insertion, the green note on the top reads: “Walfas’ character as Cirno and Kilgamayan’s sharacter as Aya… maybe? Not sure.”
(During Kanako’s rant on “we have power over etc”): “This was in South Park, right?”
“Mokou got her truck?!”
(At Yukari bursting in Ran’s imagination) “A shikigami’s sad reality.”
A lot of people wondering why Youmu doesn’t worship Yuyuko. (Needs more Sougetsu-Tei doujins, lol. someone is linking their site.)
(When Reimu arrives) “Ah, the pyromaniac arrived.”
@Della: The comment about Waffles is probably trying to let the others know that they can comment about whatever without having Waffles (can’t get it out of my head) actually read the comments. Though, with people like you around… ;D
hm, i see a new flash of touhou! i wonder if there are robots
If I can send anything…
Why can’t I send any notes successfully?
Survive: This was written before the whole ROBOTS thing started, and I didn’t feel right writing it in after the fact.
Kilgamayan, will there be robots in futurer scripts?
Possibly. I don’t feel right using them, though. Stealing Kirby’s Touhou gags are one thing, stealing his daily flash gags are another.
Just take a pamphlet you… you… ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD
Laughed very hard at Nitori and MacGyver. Great job!
This made me happy. Especially the “who do you worship” montage. Cirno and the Toaster? It explains so much.
The electric noise isn’t as viscerally appealing as the explosion/burning noise though. Nor is the animation. I suppose fire is just more appealing than lightning.
Poor Ran. I guess JuSt As RaNnEd wasn’t.
Sakuya: …*scoots chair away from Meiling and Youmu*
Electricity just doesn’t have the same kick as fire…
Hmmm…I feel a Patchucon parody coming on.
Cirno: :D
9/10. Will watch again.
Just make another flash you… you… DOUBLE NEET.
I liked this one a lot. Nice work.
Woah woah woah. As I watched it a second time, I noticed something: When the Hell did Mokou finally get a truck? Sure enough, the memo has not reached me on this one.
Also, I think Keine is imagining Mokou using that truck in a manner not normally done by little kids, if you know what I mean.
“Alice:What about me?”
I expected that.
also, why do you pick on cirno?
“also, why do you pick on cirno?”
Because it’s easy.
Well been a while for a really good touhou flash nice to see this one delivers.
Hooray a new flash! and finally some mountain of faith characters.
ALL HAIL THE HYPNO-TOAD that really would’ve been the best way to go, darn you Kirby
It starts funny, but it kind of drags on and loses the hook.
Great job.
Electrocution just isn’t the same without the whole “flickering skeleton inside the character’s silhouette” effect.
Ars, ‘when did Mokou get a truck?’ I don’t know if she actually has a truck story wise, I would think its just Keine feeling happy imagining Mokou with a truck.
Finally some new ideas, really needed it.
Really enjoyed it.
Made me laugh a few times hehe
Keep it up!
I love the worship deities!
especially the suika one, I’m planning on making that my wallpaper somehow
Hooray !!
I love your flash !!
The electricity part would have been much more effective if you hit Cirno with a bolt of lightning and left her black as ash.
The flash was awesome though. ALL HAIL THE HYPNO-TOAD!
(The eyes D:)
The entire “idols” montage cracked me up, especially Nitori’s.
Japan is going to love this.
So wait, Mokou finally got the truck?
Oh, it’s already on mikovideo.
/a/ love walfas. now we can copypasta moar.
8/10, will return again.
Pure win
Needs more Flandre.
Also, lookin’ kinda XP-tan there Sanae.
Don’t worry, Sanae is just a lvl 1 Miko. She doesn’t get Miko-Murder ’till level Reimu (That’s right I have the power to level into names.) So all she knows is Miko-Coersion. She doesn’t get Miko-Extortion until Lvl Cirno. Hooray!
Everyone complaining about the unimpressiveness of Sanae’s electrocution needs to remember that, when Reimu was first blowing things up, she could only attack computers, and then it only worked after using HAX.exe and inducing a BSoD. It took several flashes before she was able to make a spellcard for it.
Haha, awesome also
Oh my god, Kilgamayan, this was histaricle! Good work!
Oh, and I finally got around to watching this on Miko Video (even though the subs aren’t done yet, apparently). I like how “HOORAY!” is one of the video’s tags.
@bobcat24: what exactly are you having trouble with?
Will Sakuya ever let go of that basket?
Well, I have a account on ShrineMaiden, I know how to use the note(or PM, whatever), I typed everything include the codes(the picture).
And then, “send”, and nothing happens, and then a “cannot connect the host” error appears…
I tried IE and Firefox and Opera, even Konquror, the same problen occurs, and I have no ideas what happened.
All I can do is to blame the Chinese government for… you know, not allow me to send anything.
cirno didn’t say “hurray!” when she got struck with lightning…
so cool
Lol, I translated some mikovideo comments for the lulz.
“Are all of Walfas’ shrine maidens like this?” (when Sanae bullies Suwako), with several cries of “that’s too cruel!” throughout the brainstorming, and a “miko = horrible people”
“Wal-san works quickly.”
(during the press conference) “Does the author know of Border Inc.?” (reference to track 7 of the “touhou suisuisuusuu” IOSYS cd)
“Why does ⑨ shout “hooray”?”
“I wonder why does Sakuya-san always gold a flowerpot?”
A few comments on the lack of Kourin.
“Walfas (16 years old american female high school student) can’t read japanese.” (this seemed quite random)
At your and Kilgamayan’s self-insertion, the green note on the top reads: “Walfas’ character as Cirno and Kilgamayan’s sharacter as Aya… maybe? Not sure.”
(During Kanako’s rant on “we have power over etc”): “This was in South Park, right?”
“Mokou got her truck?!”
(At Yukari bursting in Ran’s imagination) “A shikigami’s sad reality.”
A lot of people wondering why Youmu doesn’t worship Yuyuko. (Needs more Sougetsu-Tei doujins, lol. someone is linking their site.)
(When Reimu arrives) “Ah, the pyromaniac arrived.”
“One miko is more than enough…”
Yeah, besides floods of “wwwww” and “chouwwwwwwwwwww”, Walfas’s videos seem to attract a lot of “that’s too cruel!” and “run for it, [insert name]!”
I never got what that “You… You…” joke was from.
Ah, this one’s great.
It’s a /v/ thing.
@Della: The comment about Waffles is probably trying to let the others know that they can comment about whatever without having Waffles (can’t get it out of my head) actually read the comments. Though, with people like you around… ;D
Didn’t Walfas claim to be a boy at one point?
…And here I thought I had seen the best one already.
And you didn’t even forgot Mokou, yay! The injokes also were a LOT less annoying, wee!
Well done you two