
Had to rush this one a bit. My cousin’s over, and while he’s not exactly annoying (or at least not as annoying as he used to be), I just know that if I were to do anything even remotely interesting on the computer, he’ll stay in the room watching me as I do things until he gets bored, and he definitely won’t stop talking to me; especially since he doesn’t really know about the daily flashes and I don’t quite feel like explaining it to him. So basically I made this while he wasn’t watching. Oh God he just came in with an apple and a knife and started talking about how he spilled sulphuric acid on his pants and has a rash of some sort on his leg, and I’m like “I don’t want to know this, and don’t hold that knife like that, it’s scary” why won’t he leave it’s so annoying agh okay I think he’s leaving now I guess I’ll click the “publish” button before he comes in again

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