Domain stuff

Bleh, this whole domain thing is really confusing. Okay, so about the domain: yes, it did get registered, but I’ll have to wait another 24 to 48 hours until it’s up. And then, I’ll have to change the zone file (whatever that is) of the domain with the IP address of the host, or something… then it’ll probably take another 24 to 48 hours for that to take effect. I’ve set up domain pointing on so that going to would be the same as going to, but you won’t see that in your browser. But then I have to wait for the thing to start working and it’s really confusing and bafsdgdflsjsg.

Anyway, as you can see, I’ve transferred the blog over from to (well actually, I just copied them over; they’re still on there, in case something goes wrong), but not all the links to images and stuff have changed, so I’ll have to change them manually. But I’m not gonna do it now, since the links will be changed to later on anyway, so what’s the point of changing them from to if I’ll just have to change it to later on anyway? Yeah most of this is making very little sense to me, but I’m just trying to understand what it is I have to do. It’s quite annoying.

Just start clicking some random links, and if you see any broken links or if stuff goes wrong, tell me about it (if you can).

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