
It’s the ??? destiny song… with Yukkuris!

27 Responses to “ゆっくりケロケロしていってね!!!”

  • 1st!! :D

  • whyyyyyyyy

  • I’m afraid to listen to ケロ⑨ destiny now…

  • Sing it easy!

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick


    I don’t know what’s worse… the fact that it’s more Yuukuris, or the “brilliant” 4-frames-per-second animation.

  • Nice boat.

  • あ~う~あ~


    はい はい~

  • rofl.. the author’s comment on nicnico was .. “well, im off to the hospital”

  • I can’t take it easy.

  • These things…they’re too strong. Kero.

  • “Nice Tail” was my favorite part.

  • Nice to meet you.
    Is the yukkuris unpopular outside Japan?
    I am a Japanese, but dislike the yukkuris.

  • @N.G:

    Not all the non-Japanese dislike yukkuris though, but yeah. Some of us don’t like them >

  • Well, they got the whole borrowing tails off the Ran bit right this time.

    Though… I’m pretty sure Froggy borrowed only one not all of em…

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    Personally, I wouldn’t say that I go out of my way to dislike them or anything.

    It’s more that they just creep me right the hell out. But not in a good way. Not like zombies or horror movies, both of which I am a fan of.

    I think the true creepiness factor of these damned floating Touhu heads comes from them being twisted, abhorations of nature, that… even as a fan work.. are truly on a level of disturbing all it’s own.

    I guess another reason is that the concept is… how should I put this…. Not really that innovative.

    Sure, while I can see that some people may find the creepiness of them appealing simply out of the fact that giant, floating, heads with glazed, fixed expressions is uniquely chilling… I find this more to be a coincidence, or accident.

    They weren’t really made to be scary. They just are. Because they are unnatural and just 37 assorted flavors of wrong served on a WTF platter.

    Not only do I find them creepy, but I also don’t get it as well.

    Some creepy things are excellent because they are easily “gotten” or understood, or their appeal makes so much more sense, or because they are, in themselves, delightfully clever and entertaining things.

    But yukkuri heads…. Not even Ghandi, Jesus, and Mother Teresa fused into one being could legitimately or truly love them.

    Nor could I understand them even if I successfully wrote a 98 page scientific dissertation on them.

    And believe me, if I had to do so, I’d rather be hung from a church rafter with piano wire, wearing a pedobear suit while people throw tomatoes and rocks at me.

  • @Marisa
    @video, when the (9) gets Suwako’d

  • Marissa: Well, I think it actually depends on the perspective they’re shown in. Even the Yukkuri’s can have their rare cute side, there was a doujin that wasn’t too bad that I saw. However, this video isn’t one of those things. It also completely ruins the image of the other video I have in my head.

  • They’re back…

  • I dislike yukkuris, I used to like that son but now … i still like it i just had to go watch the original vid xD

    Yukkuris can’t mess up with mah mind >:D

  • nice boat.

  • There are two other far better flash kero-kero vids
    These large and dumb floating heads look so ugly…

  • Yukkuris are to Touhou as Jissouseki (some pig-Suiseiseki thing) is to Rozen Maiden: started as a botched SJIS art, someone liked them enough to draw them, and the whole thing snowballed into wholly disturbing territory from there. The chief difference is that with Jissouseki it was just one character and fairly low-key, whereas this has an entire cast and a huge fan community to work with, thus cementing its proliferation.

    tl,dr: Touhou is crazy popular, so Yukkuris became a huge meme really quickly. If you find them so disturbing (I admit, they kinda freak me out, too), just put them out of your mind and ta– rrgh, I can’t even bring myself to say it anymore.

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