From what I understand, this is a Pop’n Music… thing. I don’t know anything about rhythm games (because I have no rhythm) but this is pretty cool. And also confusing.
First time through looked hellish but second time (without the effects) actually seemed do-able. The whole thing just seems like it’d be an expanded ‘true’ two hand version of stepmania. I’d love to try it myself.
Looks insane. Reminds me of Danmaku! Only musical! Also I totally expected to see the thing shift to the COOL&CREATE UN Owen at 1:43, so not seeing that was a bit of a surprise :3
The image in 2:12 (as well as the thumbnail) is from “Hentai Touhou 2: Part 2.” Which isn’t really hentai, but just a really weird Touhou comic series on NicoNico…
in which Reimu is really rich and manly and the Scarlet Devil crew go homeless for a while. The thing censored out on the left side is NEET on drugs (by Eirin). And well, Flan in this series is really cute, as you can sort of see there.
Ok, I am a stepmania freak and this looks disturbingly hard…
Flan is so cute, I feel I can take it easy.
I’ve seen something familiar to this………
It’s strange. I can beat Touhou games on hard, yet almost all rhythm games are beyond me.
Reminds me of DJ max 8B, with an extra button.
I couldn’t even handle 5 buttons. :O
Dear lord, something is wrong with whoever did that.
I call hax.
aimbot for sure. Lol
I’m hoping that’s autoplay. That, or whoever is playing is PRO.
First time through looked hellish but second time (without the effects) actually seemed do-able. The whole thing just seems like it’d be an expanded ‘true’ two hand version of stepmania. I’d love to try it myself.
Looks insane. Reminds me of Danmaku! Only musical! Also I totally expected to see the thing shift to the COOL&CREATE UN Owen at 1:43, so not seeing that was a bit of a surprise :3
Ah, I was wondering when someone would try to apply the principle of danmaku to something like this … |3
Musical danmaku…insane xD. BTW where is that running-and-then-tripping-Flan from. I saw a few videos with that but I have no clue about its origin.
@KaiZer: Here you go.
I play Pop’n. It’s doable without the stupid tornado-like effect… Like SiLight said.
LMAO. Two of my favorite things mashed up into one.
The image in 2:12 (as well as the thumbnail) is from “Hentai Touhou 2: Part 2.” Which isn’t really hentai, but just a really weird Touhou comic series on NicoNico…
in which Reimu is really rich and manly and the Scarlet Devil crew go homeless for a while. The thing censored out on the left side is NEET on drugs (by Eirin). And well, Flan in this series is really cute, as you can sort of see there.
there was a yukkuri.
i wonder, where did the yukkuri have its origin?
This is exactly why I don’t believe in Pop n’ Music..
I could hit any four keys at a time. xD
I think I will be sticking with StepMania for now. Or at the absolute most, BeatMania.
Is it me, or are just about all the extra-bosses lonely girls who just need someone to play with and/or snuggles? :x
I wish I could play Pop’n Music -_-
I’m good at music games though. It wouldn’t have looked too hard to play if it wasn’t for the added mods.
Were the notes invisible at the end of the first one? Flandre forces you to stop TAKING IT EASY.
No one can be faithfully like me. On occasion steady I have planned ailment doing it.