Merry Christmas, everybody! Christmas sort of just snuck up on me this year; I didn’t even realize how close it was until just a few days ago. For almost the past year, I’ve been thinking “Yeah, I should probably make another one of those Touhou flashes; I haven’t done one in a long time” but never actually got around to it (Still have part of an unfinished flash just sitting there, unopened since July).
So when I remembered Christmas was coming, I thought I might as well actually make one of these again. I spent all day yesterday and a short part of today rushing to put this together, and I’m sure it does feels rushed and not completely thought through. But then again, when I first started making these, I made like… one a day (Look back to the end of August and the beginning of September in the site archives), and none of them were really well thought through either.
Anyway, yeah… Christmas is here! Parsee dislikes Christmas and wants to put an end to it, much like How the Grinch stole Christmas.
Go home or ill never set your face on fire again!
I loled.
Poor, poor Mokou… Will she ever get that truck?
for a second i thought parsee will take Flandre and throw her underground xD
I love how Mokou was the only one who didn’t have to change into Christmas clothing, lol. Well, and Reimu.
Very nice :D alice got a new friend : )
Merry Christmas! And Aya doesn’t even do anything when she got thrown underground…
So much awesomeness! You really do still have the talent.
I was so happy that Alice was finally not rejected. =’D
Poor Aya, though – I thought she’d finally found a warm place to live. ><
Also, maso-Parsee was enexpected. xD
You might want to correct “taking about it” though. ;P
Oh Chen. You’re so silly.
Merry Christmas!
Yes! Merry Christmas!
I’ll be sure to get a Christmas Square next Christmas.
“My name is Cirno.”
“That’s my name.”
“I like ice cream.”
I cried laughing
Amazing! Aya and Kisume’s conversation was my favorite part.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Yay! Merry Christmas!
At the part where Parsee keeps going all like “C’mon, do the fire thing again!” you could have totally replaced her name with “Tenshi” and there would have been no difference at all whatsoever.
You’ve still got it! Awesome! Touhou flashes are au sum!
Happy Positive Feelings Day!
Just what I always wanted!
My face set on fire!
The Aya and Cirno part was absolutely glorious.
Well, so much for having Doyora do “How Parsee Stole Christmas.” :V
I wouldn’t feel worried about it being underplanned. It’s still awesome. Typo correction might be a good idea, but otherwise excellent.
Can’t wait to see the Mikovideo version of this.
@SomethingUnreal: Err, which part has someone saying “taking about it”? I don’t write scripts or anything, so it’s sorta hard to go through every frame that has text on it. I think I actually tried doing that when you commented about it, but couldn’t find the line.
So yeah, if anyone else sees any other typos, go mention it (and which scene/part/etc it’s in) and I’ll try to fix it.
Awesome flash as usual. I was a bit worried that you’d lose your touch after so long, but it’s just as funny as the other ones.
o chen u so silly
@NoWaiThatsImpossible :O
lol yeah me too
flan’s wings make her look sort of like a christmas tree
I loved the Flandre parts
Awesome. Keine and Alice look GREAT in those Christmas Costumes :D
Merry Christmas everyone!
lol christmas.
Set my face on fire pls!
Sorry, KirbyM. It’s frame 115, in the 4th speech bubble (spoken by Yamame).
@SomethingUnreal: Oh wow, I’m surprised I didn’t see that, considering how early on it is. Okay, should be fixed.
@Sax: It might be due to the fact that their costumes are darker shades of red. Shanghai’s costume too.
Merry Christmas! ^^
I want a bamboo tree decorated with danmaku… ;_;
Wow… this was awesome, i really loved the part when chen’s appears and flandre’s part, reimu’s part too :D
I had a bad day here at home for many reasons, but… this flash made me happy, Thank you very much for your work Kirby, your flashes always make my day, and merry christmas to everyone.
Feliz Navidad! n–n!
Que el espíritu de éste día les ayude a descubrir el verdadero significado del mismo, y que la magia de hoy les alegre el corzaón! =D
May you all have a pleasant day… Or… What it still lasts of it!
I thought flandre was going to go insane and blow parsee up or something. XD
^You’re thinking of canon Flan, not our beloved “baaaaaaah” Walfas Flan.
My favorite part was the irony that all Parsee ended up doing in the end, was bring Christmas trees to the underground.
KirbyM has dodged a bullet by not giving Alice a bad end. |3
So here’s some cute fluff I made unrelated to Christmas. And my latest comic, also unrelated to Christmas, for those who missed it. “
Loved the flash. :D
also: I almost got what i wanted for christmas.
All I really am missing is a bag of sweedish fish.
Wonderful. Parsee is so very funny~
And Merry Christmas, you wonderful people. ♥
good news is: Yay! A full length touhou flash! awesome christmas present.
bad news is: now i can’t be a green-eyed parsee and complain about not getting a christmas present
It’s a Christmas Miracle!
So what’s the turn around for this being on Nicovideo again?
Christmas Square rhymes with Mystic Square…
I really, really thought Parsee was going to steal Flandre.
Cool, a Touhou Christmas Flash!
On another off-topic note, it seems that someone’s becoming a Komachi and forgot to change the website theme colors.
How you do it?
All the times that you make a Touhou flash, you make they too fantastic…
Oh!, I missed the Aya’s “Ayayayaya”, I loved the “It’s a Christmas Miracle!”, and these danmaku trees were awesome!.
Well, is a little late, but… Merry Christmas.
Awesome as always Kirb, good job! This definitely made my day…and it hadn’t even started!
(I noticed that Kaguya and Mokou look “simple” compared to the newer character designs. Mokou needs moar hair >_
I missed the fire and boxing Chen.
Christmas Squares! I want one of those!
Uploaded to Mikovideo Hooray! Guess what title they gave it: パルスィーは大変なクリスマスを盗んでいきました。- Parsee Stole the Precious Christmas.
Looks like Reimu still keeping her promises to reduce carbon emission… That’s a big relieve to our beloved world.
Fubu72 – That link doesn’t work any more. Apparently, it was moved. Here’s the working link: http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm5668594
Maybe the next year we could see a “Flandre Scarlet and the Polar Express” since Flan and the entire SDM staff don’t believe (celebrate) in Christmas.
Hero Boy: Flandre
Conductor: MANosuke
Hero Girl: Remilia
Guardian Train Spirit: Yuyuko
Lenny (Know-It-All kid): Patchouli
Santa Claus: ???? (I think that Reimu herself could do the work)
Smokey and Steamer: Luna child and Sunny milk
Sarah: Hourai
Merry Christmas to all!
I wish I got a gift that would set my face on fire.
Sorry, didn’t know that a certain character breaks the message.
Anyway Happy late Christmas.
Wanted to ask why the above Youtube user was suspended.
asiadonk- It’s because YouTube’s being a bitch.
Pss, note the d being a c l.
¡¡Awesome flash!! ¡I loved it!
I loled at the NeetHime and Mokotan parts. :D And yeay for Alice, she made a friend!!
Good job Kirby.
asiaclonk- Oh, sorry.
@ Pipokary
You forgot who the sad lonenly kid :(
@Santa Whiterock: The sad lonely kid? Probably Alice
oh,too late but…Merry Christmas!!!
and very funny story,Parsee looks wonderful,and Aya-Cirno was glorious.XD
Beware,Walfas returns!
Haha this flash is freaking awesome.
Kisume found another friend in a container
Come on, KirbyM… why can’t you just let Mokou have her twuck? D:
I was waiting for that one song from the Grinch to play. Maybe someone at Nico can do a Parsee remix of the Grinch song.
“You’re a mean one, Miss Parsee…”
Yup, You’re a mean one, Miss Parsee…
Fufu~ Also I want a Polar Express Parody for next Xmas
Yup, XMAS is close, so maybe will see how Flan Believe on Christmas again…