An idea!

[9:26] <Michael> lol Ki
[9:27] <Michael> i see your thread
[9:27] <Michael> on /a/
[9:27] <KirbY> I didn’t make the thread, though!
[9:27] <KirbY> although I did post in it once.
[9:27] <KirbY> with the blind lady and her seeing-eye frog
[9:27] <Michael> lolol
[9:28] <KirbY> yeah I think I’ll add an imageboard to walfas, specifically for peoples’ touhou creations

I just got an idea… since the “create.swf” thing is probably gonna be a huge part of why people come to this site in the first place, I think I should add some sort of imageboard specifically for peoples’ original creations (and only that). Imageboard!1!!!! Liek zomgs!1!! WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE THINK ABOUT THAT? I think it would be awesome. Yeah. I’ll probably set it up tomorrow, regardless of what your opinions are.

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