Videos for July 19, 2009

So here’s one video and some links to videos I didn’t feel like embedding. This first one is apparently an OP to Imperishable Night if it were something that had OPs (And is a parody of this). Not much else this week, though. At least not stuff that I feel like posting on here.

????? op (?5??)

(Nicovideo / Original)

Here’s another ZUN art video (the song tells you to “shut up” a lot… and uhh… yeah… like the other ZUN art videos, it’s weird), and here’s a Prismrivers theme + Beastie Boys song mashup from Cirno Is A Genius.

20 Responses to “Videos for July 19, 2009”

  • 1. Hooray for 3D Fan-made Touhou OP with Mima and a funny clip inbetween the video :D

    2. A little creepy, but really nice music. And don’t tell me to shut up D:<

    3. I rap bricks.

  • @eidolon: Ah, wish I had known that earlier. That makes the video more interesting. I guess I’ll go include the original video as a link in the post.

  • @eidolon:
    The brief interlude with people talking over the music is lifted from the opening of SPT Layzner, which would always feature a brief clip from that week’s episode:

    The ZUN-art video is pretty, surreal and creepy all at once, thoroughly undermining what appear to be attempts at titillation. Maybe it’s art. Yeah, that must be it.

    The BeastieRiver Sisters mix is decent—better than some of the other rap/Touhou mixes I’ve heard, anyway. I’m still not a big fan of rap, so I’m only so-so on mixes of it like this. The sight of the Prismrivers in those shades is worth a grin, though.

  • Huh, the Patlabor-style opening for Imperishable Night is pretty creative, given its source.

    As for the Prismriver-Beastie Boys mash-up… it’s a pretty unique idea, and it’s somewhat awesome.

  • 1. Hm, cute. Though that bit in the middle was random and weird.

    2. Creepy and weird. And not even entirely because of the faux-ZUNart, either. … Okay, why does Not-Dead Yuyuko keep being naked? :O

    3. Heh, interesting how that worked out.

  • The ZUN art video also says shut the **** up.

  • 1. What everyone else said

    2. What everyone else said

    3. What Muffin said

    Also… have people adopted my style of commenting on the video posts with numbers or did I miss something?

  • As long as KirbyM’s slacking on the video front (and I mean that in the nicest possible way), here’s a few videos I’ve found in recent days that I don’t think have ever been posted here:
    Remilia tries to make a lunch box for Reimu. Hilarity ensues.
    Parsee stalks Satori with heartwarming results.

    More by the same artist and high-res versions are on Nico at

  • I’ve just been commenting with numbers because it seemed like a good idea at the time, but recently there have been so few videos that you can’t actually count past five, so it’s not really too useful to use numbers.

    Anyway I can’t really comment on anything because I’m on vacation and as we all know, vacation time net is almost always kinda slow if it even exists. I will say the IN thing was pretty cool though.

    …I forgot the number. Ah well. I don’t feel like adding it in, even though I’m taking the effort to actually explain this when sticking in a “one” somewhere would probably take way less effort. Probably.

  • ; ;

    I am currently in china where youtube is blocked, so no youtube videos for me. (at least not on youtube)

  • The IN*patlabor OP was a really interesting… thing. It did really made ROFLMAO XD
    Then we have more ZUN-art videos… I actually find all of this videos pretty impressive but even then they still give me the creeps -.-”
    And the Beastie Prismrivers were AWESOME! XD

  • @Anonymous: D’oh—just had to get a hard drive replaced, and I forgot I hadn’t “signed in” here since I started using it.

  • That mashup…Cirno is a Genius is indeed a Genius. AWESOME!

  • As we can see in the Viotex Videos, Touhou x Hip Hop = Win
    and the Beasty Boys for some reason always sound awesome with Touhou Remixes,,,;D

  • I might have nightmare tonight…

  • OMG! That Zun’s Video is amzaing, and that song is really good too.

  • Whoever makes these ZUN art videos definitely knows how to make them creepy, yet epic and worth watching multiple times. Chen and Alice are super cute in this one.

  • LOL @ Suika as Alphonse. I suppose she’s the closest they’ve got though XD

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