Things that may possibly be interesting to people who find it interesting

Updates to “create.swf”

Yeah, so uhh… I was gonna write something here about two or three hours ago, but now I forgot what it was. But I updated create.swf with Keine and some backgrounds from the latest flash! Yeah! Oh right, now I remember what I was gonna say. I’m gonna put one of those “click here to read more” things here because I’ve been editing this post for the past 10 minutes or so, and it’s gotten kinda long.

A Rozen Maiden flash parody of Usatei!

Indeed. I found it on this site, an awesome site (I’m not just saying that because my stuff is on there, but that may be part of the reason) that does pretty much what I had originally planned for this blog to be about: finding random interesting things on the internet and telling people about them. Yeah, that’s what this blog was originally gonna be about… but then I started making a bunch of Touhou flashes, and then stuff happened.

Yep, so go check the flash out, and the site as well. It’s in Japanese and I kinda have no idea what’s going on because online translators tend to suck, but it has some nice pictures and links. And that’s all that matters. Oh yes, and this site, where someone drew a picture of Mokou and Kaguya based on the flash I made yesterday (Less than 14 hours ago)! Yeah! Awesome. I feel successful now.

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