Unnamed Character what

Agh, time management is difficult. I really should work on that more. I got home at 8:20ish and it seems like 3 hours passes by so quickly (Well, one of those hours is shower + dinner etc)! I just looked at the clock recently and realized it was almost midnight, so here’s Unnamed Character doing whatever she’s doing because I didn’t know what else to make in such a short amount of time (that seems to be happening quite a lot recently).

Well in any case, I guess they’re filming parts of the TV show Ugly Betty at our school now for some reason (I don’t know when they stop filming). They had camera equipment, props, and really bright giant lights set up all over the place… was kinda inconvenient because parts of the school were inaccessible, and people were constantly telling us to be quiet or to take an alternate route to class to stay out of the shot. I’d probably be excited if I watched the show, but I don’t, so yeah. I guess that’s worth mentioning.

Edit: Oh yeah, just remembered… it sorta reminds me of this daily flash about filming. I didn’t really watch Law and Order back then, but I do now.

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