For anyone going to Comiket 77, make sure to visit the Walfas/ddiction booth on
December 30th (Day 2) East District ス[Su]-23b! There will be these full-color 32-page textbooks on sale, featuring Touhou’s stage 1-2 characters! Learn English, yeah!
The title is a parody of the New Horizon textbooks. The idea and all the writing and stuff was done by NForza (who you can still buy folders from, by the way!), and I did the artwork. Above is a preview of the cover and two of the pages!

Also special thanks to
おひさま (Ohisama, who also did some fanart
back in May 2008) for helping out at an earlier Marisa-themed event (that I never actually mentioned on here because I forgot about it until I realized it was already over)! He helped with a preview version of the textbook, scribbling notes and drawings in the margins and on the pictures as if Marisa were writing in the textbook. This preview version will also be distributed for free at C77 for people who purchase the full book.
More information can be found on ddiction.org.
I want to buy one!
Please let me order online <3?
lol Wriggle wriggles.
Wriggle wriggles… Whew that was hard D:!
i want that book, i might help me very well with my engrish :3!
dammmmiiitttt I’m 1 day late for comiket T_T
It is very splendid~
I’d be jealous, if I did anything that the Japanese fans could appreciate. ;)
Wriggle… wriggles… that’s a joke. lol
Well, dang, guess I’ll be spending a little more on your goods. Hope NForza has ’em available (including Ohisama’s preview version, maybe?) soon-ish after Comiket…
Is there a lolcat version of this book? ^^
Want to learn lolcat with CHEEEN
Awsome now i can learn english
*flaps arms around*
Too bad I can’t go to Comiket.
Or Japan, for that matter.
sadfaic :(
Wriggle Wriggles.
Hardest thing ever. Only a genius like Cirno could guess that easily.
@Recupel: Over my dead body.
I will try to set aside a few (5-10) to sell to anyone interested after the event, and there’s a chance it will be available on DLsite in the future as well.
wow this is the best thing i have ever seen ever. If i were to learn English i would so learn form this! xD Have it in the shop for great justice! xD
This has to be greatest thing Touhou fandom has ever spawned, and I mean it :o
But Chen is a stage 3 boss… isn’t she? o-o
Oh well :D This. Is. Epic. And adorable.
Meza want to order and use this to teach children when I’m a teacher…
Wow, looks pretty awesome! I’d buy one of those textbooks, if I was going to Comiket.
As for the next update – I wish for lighting bolt objects.
*lightning >_>
Adding -ing doesn’t strictly turn a verb into a noun; in that context, it’s just the present participle form. But I digress. If I were going to Comiket, I would definitely pick one of these up. Keep being awesome.
Man I want to learn english now.
SGGK LETTY! YES, you are the greatest Textbook Ever!
Those textbooks really makes me want to learn english :D
greatest idea ever: learn english (and not engrish!) with Touhou! i see who this can be useful and fun too! XD
@Hanzo: Yes, I realized that as well, but it’s too late to fix it. I’ll change it for the next print run.
Wow. You just keep doing better and better! That’s pretty cool.
Want one :p
What will be the price?
(800, 1000 yens? It’s about 15 $ ?)
ah even though i speak almost perfect english i would by those books, i would cry if they were damaged in any way. but unfortunately i cant go to the comiket or buy any books off of here. (say have you ever considered being an english teacher in Japan?)
Letsee, Requesting
Black Horns, Like Hanyu Furude’s ones (from Higurashi)
Please and thankies
@Recupel: Yeah, it might be around that price after shipping. I’ll have more details after the event.
Thanks =D
So thinking of getting one…Wriggle wriggles…heheh…
They left out the “Yuyuko is hungry, so,” and “over a fire” in the sentence “Mystia is cooking.”
It should read “Yuyuko is hungry, so Mystia is cooking over a fire.”
Oh my god I want this so bad.
I will buy it over the Internet. You cannot stop me. (At least, if I can find it online.)
@KuroKona: Sounds like you’re working on the Strong Bad-“edited” version…
Oh my goodness this is adorable. Its bringing back my childhood memories. ;U;
@KuroKona: Reminds me of this:
haha nice pic
:D wanna buy it…
This is actually very cute, it reminds me of my children english textbooks.
English teachers should use this from now on.
Wriggle wriggles.
Mystia is cooking.
Cirno isn’t a 9.
Yuyuko is hungry for Hot Pockets.
now thats something i would buy
Will be you at the con, Walfkun?
Oh, and reserve me a copy!
wow!!! congratulation!!! this is really Awesome!!!!
I really want that book TTwTT
Cannot help buying
@Shance: Nope, I’ll be at home (as in, not Japan)! Talka will be there though, and most likely NForza too.
I’d forget everything I know about English and go back to only speak French if it would allow me to buy one of these (T_T)
Nope! Chen is the Stage 2 midboss and stage boss of PCB, though she does return in the Extra stage as a midboss.
…now ‘boss’ doesn’t look like a word.
Anyway, this is highly cute! I certainly wouldn’t mind a copy, and I’m becoming an English major! I wonder what a professor would say if I walked in with a copy of this among the usual textbooks.
Would it be possible to sell these online for those of us who couldn’t make it to Comiket? >.<
@Xweetara Read above NForza comment ^^
So cute.
Thos brought a big smile to my face, in the most positive way possible.
I really wish I could get it!
This is epic. Are you selling them online?
Я понимаю, . митинг проводить стоя бы пересмотрел то,
какие-то фишки, еще мне интересно конечно штучка хотел спросить.
were can you find this new hori-zun comic?
because i want it!
oh,and plus can you buy one for free in america in new jersey?
IF we had books like this up in canada , I would totally wanna study more !!!
…I don’t get WHY sokme of the fanbase are suggesting finding a Japanese variant for me… It wouldn’t even be possible to send unless it’s a series of files.