Videos for May 10, 2009

Today’s videos include: Automatic Mario version of Cirno’s Perfect Math Class, another one of those ZUN-style art video things, a Reisen kyu-kyu-kyu-nya + RED ZONE (by the person who made these other things), some NES versions of Touhou songs, a Scarlet Devil Mansion parody of this, a Moriya smooooch parody followed by a Chen+smooooch remix, and as expected, some more K-On!. A total of ? videos.





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Create.swf – Meiling (Revised)

Added a revised version of Meiling to create.swf (the older version is still there)! I kinda like the older hair style better, although that may just be because I’m so used to seeing it. And since it was easy to do, I also added Lie Meiling (basically just a Meiling recolor). Also added the other things you see in the background, and a green ZUN beret… hat… thing. The one with the flower design on it.

I’m going to title these blog posts with “Create.swf -” in the front of them now, because it makes more sense than to just have the character’s name without any context. Anyway, I guess the updates after this one will probably be more detailed versions of older create.swf characters, since they really do need to be revised.

Marisa’s Escape

After gathering enough books, Marisa decides to make her escape! But it turns out that she didn’t quite expect the bag to be so heavy. Also, the bag may be smaller than it is in the previous flash, and this is because… uhh… because that’s just how it is. Also, Marisa’s braid happens to be on the other side… for the same reason.

Marisa Stealing

The books are actually landing in neat piles inside Marisa’s bag. The rate of books-flying-across-the-screen-and-falling-through-the-hole has decreased yet again because of some sort of crazy time slowing thing. Marisa’s bag is expanding slower than it would normally because it is made of some sort of special material. Those are the explanations for this one.

Meiling Punching

Okay, so the books are landing in neat piles in a box. And this is because Meiling is helping with her punching skills. The books are not damaged because they are protected by a magic spell, and the rate of books-flying-across-the-screen has decreased very slightly because Sakuya is using some sort of crazy time slowing thing. Those are the explanations, and you will have to accept them because they are true.