This happens a lot, and when it does, I think “Why can’t the TV be closer?” and continue to watch a boring television program hoping that my TV remote will magically appear to save the day. But when it does appear, it’s too late.
In other news, regarding the Walfas shop at Zazzle, apparently a few people have had their orders canceled because of copyright issues, and I’ve emailed them about it but I have yet to receive a response. In any case, I set all the Touhou shirts/poster/etc to be hidden to avoid any further issues. Anyway, I’m not sure if I’d have to ask ZUN for permission to sell Touhou stuff, but anyone who knows anything about… uhh… when it’s okay to sell Touhou stuff, should post something here (and read this too). Thanks.
Yeah, endnotes in books are quite annoying. I think I prefer footnotes, although sometimes there are footnotes that are so long that they take up half the page, and then I think “well if it requires that much explanation, why not just make it a part of the regular text?” But then it might distract the reader from the point… but then again, having a huge block of small text that takes up half a page is distracting anyway. Then I guess it’d be better to have it as an endnote… hmm. And it’s not good to mix endnotes, footnotes, and parentheticals for things like that, but I think that’s only for citations, and not explanations. I guess that means it’s good to have endnotes if your explanation is going to be really really long. I don’t know where I’m going with this.
As a follow-up to this post from yesterday, I finished adding a bunch of designs for shirts (and other things) to the Walfas shop on Zazzle. There’s currently a 10% off sale if you use the code “PRESWKNDSALE” but today’s the last day for the discount. If anyone buys a shirt (or poster/button/etc), post some pictures when you get it!
Included in this videos post: some strange version of Cirno’s math class, a laser version of Cirno’s math class (LASERS YEAH), a Kaguya vs Mokou Get Down, a Suwako dance (parody of this; I can’t find the original nicovideo URL), Youmu on a trampoline (parody of Churuya), a Higurashi parody of this Innocent Key flash, and a Kasane Teto version of Silver Forest’s ?Destiny song. Youtube’s being really slow right now, so you might have to wait (or maybe it’s just my connection).
IOSYS – ??? ????? Cirno’s Sansuu Kyoushitsu Lasershow
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