obj: cow, hammock, hedgehog, orangey orb, staff, rainbow, gachapon container (colorable)
body: coat (pink), black clothes, 6 jersey, school uniform, Alice (2A Alt pose), casual 2
acc: shutter shades
hat: Puyo hat, four horns, cabbie hat (blue)
item: megabuster (dual)
arms: pink trenchcoat
hair: pigtail
bg: basketball court
(Image directory)
I guess as a sequel to the other post about drawings, here is this post with more drawings. This time in SAI Paint Tool rather than Flash. Also randomly created was crazy-looking hair girl. And various other drawings of characters from Toradora and Working!!, ’cause I watched those recently.
Other images can be seen here too, though it has some other random non-drawing things.
Videos: Bad Apple!! screensaver, a background-only version of that Alice/Patchouli/Marisa rap thing, a MoF version of V-Gundam ED, and some other thing.
??????UNITED???????????(????only ver+?)
(Nicovideo / Original)
Obj: wristwatch (colorable), peach (colorable), arcade cabinet (colorable), white scar, bottle (drink) (colorable), bullet (sword) (colorable)
Acc: star necklace, trenchcoat (white), scarf (green), scarf (white), Aya scarf
Item: wristwatch (red, blue), third leg (left, right, both)
Body: 9 jersey, maid (green), Cirno (2 Alt)
Hat: fez, Samus
Hair: mohawk
Eye: 125-126
Mouth: 79-81
BG: Lunar capital interior
Dalek object is now colorable
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