Create.swf – Kasen

Added Kasen Ibara to create.swf, also these other things:

obj: cow, hammock, hedgehog, orangey orb, staff, rainbow, gachapon container (colorable)
body: coat (pink), black clothes, 6 jersey, school uniform, Alice (2A Alt pose), casual 2
acc: shutter shades
hat: Puyo hat, four horns, cabbie hat (blue)
item: megabuster (dual)
arms: pink trenchcoat
hair: pigtail
bg: basketball court

More Drawings

(Image directory)

I guess as a sequel to the other post about drawings, here is this post with more drawings. This time in SAI Paint Tool rather than Flash. Also randomly created was crazy-looking hair girl. And various other drawings of characters from Toradora and Working!!, ’cause I watched those recently.

Other images can be seen here too, though it has some other random non-drawing things.

Videos for July 25, 2010

Videos: Bad Apple!! screensaver, a background-only version of that Alice/Patchouli/Marisa rap thing, a MoF version of V-Gundam ED, and some other thing.

????Bad Apple!!???????????????????????


??????UNITED???????????(????only ver+?)

(Nicovideo / Original)

Continue reading ‘Videos for July 25, 2010’

Create.swf – Koishi (Revised)

Added a revised version of Koishi to create.swf, and:

Obj: wristwatch (colorable), peach (colorable), arcade cabinet (colorable), white scar, bottle (drink) (colorable), bullet (sword) (colorable)
Acc: star necklace, trenchcoat (white), scarf (green), scarf (white), Aya scarf
Item: wristwatch (red, blue), third leg (left, right, both)
Body: 9 jersey, maid (green), Cirno (2 Alt)
Hat: fez, Samus
Hair: mohawk
Eye: 125-126
Mouth: 79-81
BG: Lunar capital interior

Dalek object is now colorable

Touhou 12.8

Here is an obligatory blog post regarding Touhou 12.8, starring Cirno. Screenshots and more text (in Japanese) on ZUN’s blog here.