Videos for Feb 14, 2010

Videos!! Mystia/Wriggle/Rumia/Cirno version of K-On!’s “Don’t say ‘lazy'”, Marisa/Reimu/Sakuya dancing to “Smooth Criminal”, a Go version of Bad Apple!!, and a completed version of that Reimu in a car RED ZONE thing from awhile ago.

???×??????Don’t say “lazy”??????????


??4?MMD????????????Smooth Criminal?


???Bad Apple!!????????????On/Off?




25 Responses to “Videos for Feb 14, 2010”

  • 2nd Video: HA HA! I remember this.

  • 1. Cute. I haven’t seen much of K-On, really, the ending included, but this was still nicely put together. Wouldn’t have pegged Cirno as a keyboardist, myself, but what the heck.

    2. Caught this via other links during the week. I recall mentioning when you posted the WIP version that I was eager to see it completed, and I was right to anticipate it.

    3. Eh. I still like the song, and the medium’s a fairly cute idea, but not enough to make this seem fresh the way the stop-motion version did.

    4. I see Reimu’s learned some truly powerful magic: dramatic wind effects and extreme forced perspective. I also grinned at the spectators, such as Mokou and Cirno going off for some other entertainment (probably a snack). The Gundam-box at the end amused me too.

  • 1. Wow rumia makes a cute guitarist :3 I thought it was a great “parody” if you can call it that. TBH, if it weren’t for the names, i probably wouldn’t have known who was who (well until i actually looked). Loved the 9-ball “C” for “Crazy” lol

    2. Filled the void after that 15-some aut second preview of a week or two ago. Although i wonder why they used Marisa, watching the legs go through the skirt and “apron” kinda irked me, but it was fun to watch a touhou x michael jackson vid (like nekoromancer of this summer)

    3. Wow that must’ve taken time. I’m in awe as to how accurately the pictures looked.

    4. I wonder what Mokou was more astonished of: Reimu goin all crazy, or the car in gensokyou….then again, there are probably cars, just not busses…Speaking of cirno references, i couldn’t believe how short they made Cirno.. i dunno i guess i always expected Cirno to be short, but that seemed like a bit too much

  • In case you are confused about the Reimu RED ZONE thing:


    Original original

    Original original original

    Original original original original

    In case you are still confused, that’s natural.

  • Marisa is a theif. And she’s smooth.

    and Cirno is a FAIRY. She’s more than just short.

  • 1. Very well done. Nice animation and all that. That and the ending was pretty clever.
    2. Oh, haha. Ha. Haha.
    3. Yeah, I’m gonna have to say that while I respect the fact that the boards must’ve taken forever to put together, the animation is just way too choppy.
    4. Silliest Red Zone ever. :D

  • I swear, these Bad Apple!! vids are taking longer and longer to make. Where do these people get that kind of time and patience?!

  • Wah, the Smooth Criminal video was wonderfully…smooth. The animation flows so well! And wow at the Bad apple video…amazingly patient person! Last vid, Cirno+Gundam=CHAOS ^o^;;; (Btw, happy late love day all!<3 And to those who celbreate it, happy late Chinese new year!=^w^= *was late heehee~*)

  • Very nice history lesson, Fubu!

  • 1. Eh, I don’t watch parodies of K-On and stuff …

    2. This is awesome, yes. And when she takes her hat off … with her hair, she actually looks kinda like Michael Jackson. (Also I kept getting distracted/perversely amused by her skirt clipping through her legs and her hands and itself …)

    3. Mmm, I think Bad Apple is wearing out its welcome for me. This is just a lower-resolution version of it.

    4. … I actually found this funny. I liked the parts when Sakuya and then Mokou and Cirno stood next to the car and watched her a bit.

    And speaking of Cirno, I remade Scarlet Weather Archive #100! Hooray!

  • ive seen all but the Bad Apple!! one (i stopped watching it half way through because it was messing with my brain haha, i felt like i was tripping out or something.

    but nice update

  • 1. I haven’t watched K-On, but this is still really neat. And Wriggle is adorable. <3
    2. Awesome. The animation is really good, considering it's from MMD. And, just general win from combining Touhou and Michael Jackson's music.
    3. Didn't care for it much. I mean, it must have taken forever, but it just doesn't really stand out.
    4. I was giggling like an idiot through the whole video. Oh, Raymoo.

  • That Smooth Criminal thing was great

  • uhhh Reimu get out of my car, now!

  • @Maki, MarisaMuffin: I seem to recall from author comments on the preview version that he purposely treated Marisa’s skirt as though it had slits in it to allow her legs to pass through, so as to provide a better view of the leg movements. That still doesn’t account for her hands clipping through her apron, though.

  • 1. Heh heh, I kinda liked this one. They looked a bit off though…
    2. collision fail lol. This one was really cool, it was pretty well done.
    3. @_@ Uber low framerate. One of the best things about the original video was definitely how smooth it was, and this just doesn’t share that same quality. What’s worse is that they had to lag the videos on the left too.
    4. Reimu super shift powers go!!

  • Isn’t Marisa technically a smooth criminal for real, considering how she alway makes off with Patchy’s books? I wonder how she convinced Reimu and especially Sakuya to do that?

    And as for the red zone car thing… Reimu’s all like “HOLY CRAP!!!” at first, and then she starts enjoying herself and she’s suddenly all “YEEEEEEEAAAAAAAH!!!”

  • Mystia singing is pure sex. That’s all I have to say.

  • *is struck by a smooth criminal, damnaku style*

  • @Sprocket: LOL, well i guess i can live with it then xD

  • Oh my Mokous face while watching Reimu going insane in the car was brillent

  • 3: How many games of Othello did they steal to make that one? But after that other one with the photographs, nothing really stands out.
    4: Oh, what can I say? That was hilarious!

  • if you havent seen it check it out cut and paste this title on youtube


  • I like the last video!

    Sakuya’s reaction: ………………………….
    Mokou and Cirno’s reaction: What the heck is wrong with her?

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