Videos for Mar 7, 2010

Today’s videos post includes: winter-themed Gensokyo PV, Shikieiki PV from IOSYS, RED ZONE + Murasa, another sort of PV thing, and then Bad Apple!! with food/etc.

??????? ? ????????Ver.1.0?








????Bad Apple!!????????


Also included is this video partially related to Touhou (along with many other Nicovideo things).

25 Responses to “Videos for Mar 7, 2010”

  • Video #5 is not good when you haven’t eaten in hours…
    …I think I’ll go eat now…

  • Haha that Shikieiki PV rules.

  • Absolutely love the PV in the first video!
    As well, nice to see IOSYS rolling stuff out before Reitaisai 7!

  • Even if you don’t like IOSYS material, you should check out the Shikieki video. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

  • i love the Shikieiki PV (sin sack are back )

  • 1. Cute, very cute. :3
    2. Actually very good.
    3. Not gonna watch. Red Zone isn’t that good.
    4. …Meeeh.
    5. …Too what-the-steak-ish for me to finish.
    Linked. I enjoyed this more that it had any right to be enjoyed.

  • I am pleasantly surprised to see how awesome the Shikieiki PV is. IOSYS’s recent PVs have been… creepy except maybe for the Hina one. But the Shikieiki one is absolutely amazing!

  • Video #5 makes me hungry. I’ll go have a snack after posting this comment.
    Also, on the same video, 1:49 Ahh… I love that stuff.

  • Also the first video is quite possibly the cutest thing ever. Quite possibly.

  • i only have not seen the first one and the red zone one.

    but i love the first one and the newspaper ones. out of the vids today those are my 2 favorites.

    in the Bad Apple!! one, what are Patchouli, Yuyuko, Yukari, Suwako, and the Prismriver sisters suppose to be?

  • 1. Awwww… Letty gets some love finally…

    2. CAN’T STOP WATCHING SO AWESOME, though Im surprised Shiki didn’t get mad at Parsee for being so jealous

    3. All I could think of were spazzy ass-anchors

    4. Animation was fine… The art bugged me at times

    5. What… The heck… Why did I randomly start laughing when I saw this?

  • The first one makes me want to move to Gensokyo.
    Rap master Shikieiki spittin’ da phat lyrics in the second!

    This old man’s up past his bedtime, so I’ll check out the rest later.

  • 1. Very pretty and sweet. The animation may have been limited, but little touches, like the flitting motion of Cirno’s wings, made up for that. The little Suikas bringing in food made me grin.

    2. Poor Shiki…so many sins to denounce, so little time.

    3. @CapedLuigisYoshi: No need to watch; it’s just a still image, and I think the remix is decent enough to listen to as background music.

    4. Nice start to a curious story. The minimal dialogue’s been translated in the newest translation request thread on the Touhou board at Wakachan, I see.

    5. Okay, I chuckled a lot at this one, even if I didn’t recognize some of the foods or the corresponding jokes behind the choices.

    6. Wow…I think I’m memed out for the week now. (The visuals at least helped me keep up with what the lyrics were about, as they were mostly too fast for me to hear properly…and I still didn’t recognize everything.)

  • 1. D’awww. :D Really nice PV, and the music’s great too.

    2. I’m not really a fan of IOSYS, but I have to say that this is probably their best work. Glad to see they’re deviating from the usual over-saturated cutesy stuff. Also, Shiki’s voice. <3

    3. Seen it already, but it's still awesome.

    And I'll check out the last two later.

  • sin sacks…hate them

  • I’ve never really been keen in IOSYS, but that song is fucking awesome. the animation isn’t bad, but I’ve never cared much for IOSYS’s animations either.

  • o.o

    This week’s videos are making my pants shrink from over-awesome.

  • 1. Cute.

    2. Is is me, or does Shiki sound exactly like Len Kagamine?

    3. Boring.

    4. I like how the animation blends, like the bad apple shadowplay.

    5. Why does everyone make cow jokes about Keine?

  • 1. Oh wow … that was just entirely too adorblz.

    2. Heh … eh, cute, I guess, though it’s kind of another one that you need a translation for.

    3. Meh, really didn’t hold my attention since it’s basically just audio-only.

    4. … this needs a translation even more.

    5. I’m getting tired of these Bad Apple videos, but this one almost didn’t annoy me.

    @PriffyViole: Because of how her horns look, and because saying “sort of like a cow” is easier than explaining what a hakutaku is in its entirety.

  • I’ve seen the 0.7 ver of the first one, but stil has overal smoother animation than before. Second one, I think I heard Eiki say “you die” a couple times at the beginning o_o. Third one, wondering why its called “Dead Zone”, but meh, still less wierd than the previous PV based off it. Fourth, seen it on the weekend. Last, kinda scared me for some reason, but Marisa = Mushroom was funny XD.

  • anchor zone is like the most amazing thing

    i love it.

  • About the first one: I’m assuming that Yuugi and co. are in the underground; how is it snowing underground? And before you say a wizard did it, remember that the fires of Hell are nearby.

  • …Refer to the forbidden template. Also, whatever’s allowing it to snow there would also be able to help the snow resist the fires (or cool the fires down), right?

  • Ohh yeah, that Shikieiki song. I listened to the full version, it’s pretty good!

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