
Sometimes when I hear or see something interesting in class, I go “that would make an interesting flash!” and then I jot down notes in my homework pad. Other times, there’s nothing of interest that I could make a flash about, so I’ll recall random events from the day and make a flash about that. Both ways are pretty much the same, actually. I don’t know why I just told you this, but I did.

Anyway, today I guess we were supposed to take the ACTs (some test that nobody ever talks about, because the SAT is much more accepted) during gym or something, but the gym teacher had no idea what I was talking about when I asked him, because only certain people who signed up for it would have to take it. So we didn’t take it. Anyway, tomorrow I have SAT prep again, and in the two hours between the end of my school day to the beginning of prep, I’m going to the art room to do my art project about “dislocation.” It’ll be a charcoal drawing of longcat! Yeah!

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