College Night

I don’t really have much time to make a daily flash or anything, because I had to go to school for this “college night” thing today, up until 8 o’ clock. And then there’s the fact that my uncle is home and he’s like always in the room, which is really distracting, especially because of the fact that he’s trying to do something with a fax machine and it’s making all these loud noises. And I don’t really do anything on the computer when someone else is possibly watching, because it always feels weird. In fact, I’ve probably alt+tab’d like fifty times when making this post because I don’t want him to notice that I’m writing stuff about him, and he’s like right behind me. Where was I going with this again? Oh yeah, so… no daily flash for today, sorry. I kinda have a lot of stuff due on Friday as well, so I might not have a flash for tomorrow either (unless something really interesting happens and I’m like “I HAVE TO MAKE A FLASH ABOUT THAT”). In other news, I learned a bunch of stuff about the college admissions process today, hooray!

14 Responses to “College Night”

  • Well, good luck for you.

  • KirbyM, while you are on the internet, there is ALWAYS some one watching you. o______________o

  • College at least the one i am in, feels very much like high school, in fact I feel like i never had left high school, im on my 2nd year and well, I don’t think anything has changed, maybe the difficulty a bit, but I guess that’s just my way of seeing it, maybe because i live near the college so I just walk a few blocks do my stuff and return home same way, -_-‘ but that’s just ME,

    I think that’s too much ^(-_-)^

  • @rock_leet:
    >but that’s just ME
    It’s like you can see into my mind!
    except not 2nd year, 5th.

  • Big brother is watching you

  • Hooray for college admissions!

  • Oh wow, I wish there had been a program like that in my high school. I was so confused when it was time for admissions and stuff… D:

  • that college night thing was weird

    with alaska

    and being accepted in college

  • its ok

    do what’s important (Your college thingie)

  • And for God’s sake, make sure you don’t screw anything up.
    Like never looking up when degree/graduation applications are due (In my case, the first week of quarter BEFORE you want to graduate).
    (Which I did not find out until about a week before I finished the last class for my degree.)
    (So, I’ll be graduating half a year late, because of Fun College Practices(tm).)
    (Also, Procrastination(tm), our most frequently used product.)

  • ill cook up a 4koma in case you end up not having stuff for tomorrow too.

  • I know the feeling trying to hide what you’re going from family/friends. Alt Tab is the best invention of computers

  • At least your computer isn’t in a public living area, and your family members have no sense of privacy.

  • Yay college, thinking about your future!

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