Hamlet (Act II)

Oh man, I forgot how long this act was. I was checking sparknotes, and was like “oh wow, this is a short act, it’s only two scenes long.” Yes, it is two scenes long, but those two scenes are really really long. So long that I got lazy in the middle of making this flash and at a certain point, you will see a drop in the quality of the artwork and dialogue. If there was any to begin with, that is.

Anyway, tomorrow’s sports day, so I have no classes. We get to go to Central Park (Really really big park in the middle of Manhattan, New York), although I’ll probably just sit there doing nothing. Hooray for sitting!

29 Responses to “Hamlet (Act II)”

  • Oh Hamlet, you need to go back to Plan Making Class. You seemed to have failed it miserably.

    I mean, if Cirno can pass that class with a hundred, why can’t you?!

  • lol XD
    what the censored word anyway?

  • R&G look like Salt and Pepper shakers

  • Your school gets a sports day? Damn, I’m jealous.

    The word is slut.

  • I don’t get it!
    when did the quality drop?

  • rosengard and guildenstern are the best. I mean what gets better than rapiers and rape at the same time?

  • Don’t worry, I love the play Hamlet because it’s so fucking badass, let me tell you why Fortinbras is there:

    Fortinbras wants to do war against Denmark and take it over. At some point he’ll have to kill the Danish royalty to prevent legitimacy issues. His purpose in the story is to show up after everyone’s finished killing each other, to add just a touch of irony to the mayhem (because dammnit, killing everyone was supposed to be *his* job!)

  • Hahahaha, this was funny. XD I liked the tiny text bits.

  • I like this story better than the original

  • HAMLET: Rozencrantz, play this here flute.


    HAMLET: Your failure to do so clearly demonstrates your treachery.

  • Spoilers!!!

    Yes he does.

  • Educative Walfas FTW

  • The play is the thing…

  • If only you made this thing a few months ago… I would’ve used it as a reference to my essays and used it to help me study up on the test that was today xD

  • Hooray!

  • Rozencrantz and Guildenstern are dead.


    Snape Kills Everyone.

  • More Spoilers-

    Sakuya kills them all with sniporks!!!

  • lulz i messed up i meant spniforks xD

  • Somehow this was made all the more funny by having just woken up, thanks for the thought for the day!

    “You are a fishmonger!”

  • Somewhere, thousands of deceased literature teachers, theatrical performers, and Shakespeare himself are spinning in their graves.

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    Walfas, meet Culture.

    Culture, meet Walfas.

    Now that you’ve been properly introduced , I shall await the ensuing explosion. Because no doubt, it’s going to be of the scale of the nuclear kind.

    Not the typical “Oil Rig near a match” explosion that movies would have you believe are exceptionally common.

    Wait, what was I talking about? Oh yeah. Culture. Yay.

    Side note: Hamlet is awesome.

    Completely unrelated side note: Sandwiches are awesome.

    The only thing I have left to add, is to as that after you have finished with presenting this fine literary work, when are we going to see Walfas Presents: The Toxic Avenger?

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    typo correction: “…is to ask that after you have finished…”

    Darn you, Proofreading! You are my most hated rival, and yet my only hope to make it off the island, alive.


  • It’s funny how often times the best and funniest things are 100% true, or were in the original.

  • My strategy: assume all of it was in the original. :3

  • Damnit, Kobayashi, spoiler tag that shit.

  • I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to post it without it working (apparently the site disagrees with me), but I still think it’s funny how the letters on their shirts turn around with them.

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