
Added Parsee Mizuhashi to create.swf, along with a “Just as Planned” smile, as suggested here. Since Parsee doesn’t have a hat, I added a headset as a hat.

Also in this update, Thefre has added the “clusterize” function, which can turn objects into danmaku clusters! Place an object on the stage and select “clusterize” in the object’s menu to turn it into a cluster. You can access the options menu of the cluster in the menu as well, where you can change stuff like rotation, number of rows/columns, distance between objects, and some other stuff. The function also works with non-traditional danmaku objects as well, which means you could make some cat danmaku if you wanted. Just a warning: if you put waaaaay too many rows or columns in a cluster, it might crash your browser (or at least make it really slow).

Oh yeah, and Thefre has put a “create.swf” section on his site, so the project is more organized. Post any technical errors or suggestions you have there, and art/content based stuff here.

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