Education Statistics

Actually, instead of editing yesterday’s post, I’ll just post this here and make another post later today. Yeah, couldn’t get this up yesterday because when I finished, there were some problems with the site and I couldn’t upload it. And it was getting pretty late so I thought I’d just make a filler post. I was getting worried that I’d actually miss a day of posting, which would have been the first time ever, but I didn’t. So hooray for that, even though yesterday’s post probably didn’t make any sense until just now.

Anyhow, here’s this. The first thing I thought when I saw those percent-increase statistics, I thought it sounded sorta like stats in an RPG. And that’s basically it. Anyhow, it’s almost time for me to go to school now. This is probably the earliest I’ve ever posted on here (8:15AM).

21 Responses to “Education Statistics”

  • Issues flew under the radar!
    Issues learned Stealth!

  • 62% of statistics are made up.

  • Hah, my AP NSL teacher saw it and laughed.
    Anyways, you should do one about those annoying practice fire drills schools sometimes do; just had one, in school now >.>

  • Some kid ran out the fire escape last night and set off the alarm while I was in the middle of a game. Police promptly showed up 45 minutes later…

  • @SiLight:
    there is already one about fire drills…
    check this link:

    IQ level down…

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    Poor Unnamed Character.

    Her physical body inhabits this universe, but her brain inhabits an entirely alternate plane of existence somewhere in the multiversal cosmos.

    Someday, the two shall finally come together, but of course, that will also be the day that reality completly shatters into a trillion fragments as the fragile subjective little construct that it is.

  • And that might be already happening!!

    Fortunately, we already know Gordon Freeman is working there, and he’s been sent a red crowbar. |3

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    Well, realistically, the only possible threat is on a physical level from micro black holes that could destroy the entire Earth from unstoppable, growing radiation as a result.

    Even if the Hadron Collider physically destroys the entire Earth and all life on it, the construct of reality and the fabric thereof is still more than safe. ^_^

    In short, our planet and everyone on it will be so very much dead and destroyed, but reality will continue on.

    That is of course, unless the theory of reality being only relevant when sentient beings are there to justify the EXISTENCE of reality is true, and of course if it is also true that we are the only sentient or intelligent beings in the universe.

    But still, with the vastness of space, this is really unlikely that we are the only life forms out there capable of intelligence.

    Yes, if anything goes wrong with this Hadron Collidor tomorrow, we’re all most definatly going to be very much dead….

    …..but the “reality coming to an end” scenario, I still maintain is really only scientifically plausible if Unnamed Character ever finds wherever her mind is. And if the Hadron Collider kills us all, destroys the entire universe and the concept of Unnamed Character along with it, then it’s safe to assume that reality will be eternally saved.

    Of course it’s not like we’ll notice. Being dead and planetness and all. ^_^

  • @MarisaMuffin:

    Coincidentally, I was reading that very same Wiki article earlier today and was making a pun about some guys using it on the Vatican.

    Oh gods, so do I get a job change after I complete all the school quests?

  • Well, theoretically, you’re merely supposed to get a job …

  • Sweet, then I guess it’s a Yes.

  • @MarisaMuffin
    about the LHC, were still alive right?
    then there’s no problem…

  • Hooray, the site is back up! After a long and unexplained downtime!

  • Nitori’s Server Setup Service “Worth more than it’s price!”

  • @S.H.I.N.
    Well actually they only started the thing up.
    The actual collisions wont be happening for another month.

  • Schools:
    Decrease Science Costs by % * 1.5
    Protect % * 3.5 Books from Losses

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