First day of September

I used this image last summer. If you recognize it, then you win some sort of non-existent prize.

Welcome to the first day of September… which means the summer’s basically over. Bleh, this sucks, school in 3 days (and I feel sorry for people who have already been in school for the past two weeks or so, but then again, your summer vacation started earlier, so it makes sense). I’m not even really done with my summer homework. I wrote it out on paper like two weeks ago, and never got around to typing it. Yet somehow I have time to make these pointless blog posts and flash stuff. Oh well, I guess I saw it coming. I’m gonna try to spend these last few days doing… exactly what I’ve been doing for the past two weeks. Except maybe make a lot more flashes. Once the school year starts, I don’t think I’ll be able to make flashes this fast (I made three yesterday! The quality of the last two aren’t really that great though).

I just hope they don’t make us play those stupid “what did you do over the summer” or “tell us something interesting about yourself” games on the first day, because I really hate those. Yeah sure, this summer was probably the best summer I’ve had, since I learned the wonders of flash animation/actionscript at my job (which was a great job, by the way), but I doubt anyone I know in real life actually cares about that. When they ask me what my job is, I tend to just say “oh it’s computer-related” because I don’t think they’d really understand what actionscript is.

School ruins things! People haven’t been on IRC as much as they have in the past, and I blame school (and global warming… maybe bears too). I don’t see why we even need to learn half this stuff. When will I need to use quadratic formulas or try to find the area or length of the sides of a non-right triangle? I’m sure that if you do have a job that requires that stuff, they’d probably have some sort of computer program that does it for you. Yeah, computers, what would we do without you? I definitely wouldn’t be here. I’d probably be outside… with the bears. That’s horrible. I don’t wanna be out there with the bears.

Bears… outside… (Image from wikipedia)

I think I’ll go make some more Touhou flashes now… while I have the time to do so. The good news is, it’ll probably get cooler now that fall is coming. And then there’s winter, my favorite time of year! Coldness is awesome… I get to wear those coats with all those pockets on them. So long, summer! It was nice.

5 Responses to “First day of September”

  • Quantity over quality!

  • Yep, that’s my belief! I think I’d rather have like hundreds of decent things than having one really good one. For now, anyway. Maybe I’ll make something really awesome with super high quality animation in the future. But for now, I’m fine with these.

  • I was thinking that it was Sept. 1 this morning as well, and how I should be getting ready for school. You do learn many things you’ll probably never need at school. :P

    Go Go Touhou flashes! They’re super special awesome.

  • This is where you apply calculus in real life as your math book says! Uh, not really. If they ask the summer question, put in sleeping.

    Also, apply Professor Cirno image here.

  • I remember the days when I actually had to worry about the upcoming school year. As a matter of fact, I’m worrying about them right now, even though my “upcoming school year” is roughly five or six months away.

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