Capture the Flag

Capture the flag was not nearly as exciting when we played it in gym today. It mostly consisted of people standing around waiting for the other team to do something. So basically people just stood there for half the time. In other news, Unnamed Character reminds me of Dioxin’s Cirno in this flash.

35 Responses to “Capture the Flag”

  • I remember playing this in 5th grade but it never ended

  • Maybe Unnamed character and Cirno = same person? :P


  • I remember trying to get out of playing this in 5th grade … Or maybe it was sometime in middle school.

  • I can totally imagine Unnamed Character using “atai”. xD

  • We did this in fifth or sixth grade too, just that we had a ball instead of a flag.
    And yes, the jail thing. Jail sucks, according to those who have been there. In the game of course.

  • …isn’t captured the flag supposed to be played in a big forest where the flag is well hidden? whuaaaa???

  • CTF was way too easy for me. The opponents kept screaming that I was cheating because (we used a 3-foot pole instead of a flag) I charged back holding the mast forward. Since I’m pretty small-built, Grazing everyone was easy.

  • @Oni Neko: For a moment I read “3-foot pole” as “3-foot people” and thought “Oh now that’s cheating, people with 3 legs might run faster.”

    Or something.

  • In my school it got banned becouse people’d escape jail, so they added guards. And the game had a tendancy to sort of “hang” having both free and captured people with the flags in the same jail, so it eventually turned in a brawl.

  • The game’s version of where I’m from had the flag serve as a jail as well, and the flag was more of a ‘base’. The first prisoner was supposed to hold on the base(which was usually a pole) while the later prisoner had to hold on to the prisoner, and so on. It made it easier to tag the base since the prisoners become part of the base, so to speak, so the active players could just tag the farthest prisoner and the attacking team would win the game.

  • I’m good at Touhou, I’m even good at grazing in real life (can slip between the tightest crowds with little effort), but CTF’s no fun. It’s not fair when the bullets curve and can outrun you. >_

  • @Person:

    They’ve been following Reimu and her Spirit Sign. Touhou’s good, helped to emphasize the importance of dodging IRL.

  • Unnamed Character did not seem to exhibit any dodging action in-game.
    Long Haired Character how ever, seems to enjoy sports activities. :O!
    In other news, ‘artists conception based upon rumors’ xD!!

  • Nice, KirbyM, but… “He members”? ;P

  • The only CTF I play are those of FPS’

  • Wow, I remember playing games like these in P.E. They’re fun but they require so much strategy, or you just need to be plain reckless to win.

  • CTF in a small Gym where everyone can easily see everyone else is broken.

    My School, on the other hand, had a HUGE soccer field for such games. There was also a bit of ditch just beyond the edge of field, where a sneaky player (me) could sneak by the other team, grab the flag while they were looking the other way, and deliver it safely to my side.

    Also, CTF in FPS is far superior.

  • Objection! Yuyuko is the most humane death sentence available.

  • KirbyM, do you have plans to release some parts of create.swf artwork under creative commons license? it will be fun to be able to port it to another platform, say an avatar generator etc.

    drop me an email if you feel like. cheers~

  • Team Two “military”? XD

    We used to play Capture the Flag. We had to wear jerseys, though, and they were really tacky and smelled kind of like fish. Oh, wait, those were just the ones in elementary school. My bad. But they WERE really cheap and tacky…

  • @Anonymous: But Yuyuko is not human, she’s a ghost, and the human of her is inside a montruous yokai tree.

  • Imperishable Fairy: Death by Yuyuko-sama, however, is humane (“merciful” / 心の優しい / 慈悲深い). I mean, you even get a view of cuteness of some kind during your last few seconds, and the pain’s hardly dragged out… although I don’t speak from experience. =/

    I guess the Walfas-style Yuyuko death sentence is a little scarier than her “real” way of killing, though.

  • Yeah, she causes death by moé, like in the latest installment of Touhou Nekokayou! |3

  • Yeah, not a fun game. The usual tactic used at my school was zerg rush.

  • I always thought she casted death upon other using Death by Moe. *Casting Death, suddenly thinks about Final Fantasy*

    @MarisaMuffin: “Vampires don’t go “OM NOM NOM”” I really lol’d.

  • Yuyuko is a violation of human rights

  • @MarisaMuffin: That one was great. The ending of PCB made no sense though…if Yuyuko committed suicide, how could she be revived by breaking the seal on a tree?

    @Oni Neko: Are you talking about Reimu’s last spell in IN? At least those bullets don’t curve. >_>

  • @Person: Well, I suppose if you’re going to start questions like that, you might as well ask how being half-human and half-ghost works, or ponder the full implications of several humanoid characters being pets of other humanoid characters, or think really hard about the fact that “magician” is both a job for humans and a species of youkai. Or wonder out loud how the lunar civilization has the exact same set of gods as Japan …

  • If no one does anything in capture the flag, you’re supposed to be the one pumped up.

    Run like mad through the forces, dodging everyone with grace and skill. Should you be caught, scream your head off with cheers at your teamates to boost morale.

    Also bounce on your toes the entire game.

  • Like I tried to say in my first post (which the site ate half of as you may have guessed), the only way I can have fun in CTF is to wage psychological warfare on the opposing team.

    …Why can’t I have master spark?

    @MarisaMuffin: You’re looking at someone who actually has wondered about all those out loud, although the magician one is pretty simple: There are youkai born as magicians, and humans who practice magic. A recently translated article on the youkai species officially explained how a human magician turns into a youkai magician, so I’m not sure how it’s confusing.

  • Never played CtF in school…
    Instead we got Speedball, which was kinda like a cross between basketball and soccer.

    and it never failed that i got smacked in the face by the ball just about every time we played.

  • @SomethingUnreal: Whoops. I was going to fix this earlier today but I guess I forgot. It has now been fixed to say “the” instead of “he.”

  • I was expecting something Unreal tournament like. With weapons and Unnamed character firing the Redeemer at the end.

    I was THROUGHLY dissapointed.

  • @CardboardSnail:
    I read that for moment as “Yuyuko violates humans, right”

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