First day of school

Yes, another one of those “my first day of school” things. You’ll probably see tons of them if you haven’t already. So anyway, as you can tell, this entry will (most likely) be about my first day of school, unlike that other article that has barely anything to do with Labor Day. It didn’t really feel much like the first day of school, actually. I slept really well yesterday, which is strange because for the past week I’ve been going to bed at midnight and not falling asleep until 3 to 4 in the morning (I’ve been thinking way too much about those Touhou flashes I’ve been making). Yesterday I went to bed at 10 and fell asleep at… well I don’t actually remember looking at the clock after that.

Just a school-related image to make this less boring.

I had to wake up at 7 in the morning, which I wasn’t used to, as I’ve been waking up at around 11am during the last two weeks of summer. I did the stuff I usually do when school starts, except my schedule wasn’t as exact as it used to be (I swear, the clock is showing the wrong time. I was supposed to be done brushing my teeth by 7:05, but I wasn’t until 7:10). I turned on my mp3 player (listened to the fifth IOSYS album starting from the first song, and by the time I got to school, I was up to the 7th track or something… the one by miko, Yukari’s theme. But I skipped the fourth track as I always do) and started walking to the train station. Took the train station to school, blah blah blah.

This is relevant because she’s listening to music.

Just like every first day of school, the area around the entrance was full of people. I saw some old friends, and that kinda stuff. Went to first period, which was homeroom on the first floor. The homeroom teacher has vision problems, so it kinda looked funny when he tried to read out the names for attendance (he put the paper right up to one of his eyes). He explained some things, handed out some sheets we needed to get signed or filled out by our parents, that kinda stuff. Then he gave us our locker numbers and schedules. A bunch of people kept coming in thinking this was the room for their class, but it was across the hall, in the art room (I don’t blame them, though… my sheet of paper had the wrong classroom number written on it too).

Now about the schedule. When I first got mine, the first thing I noticed was that I had ZERO PERIOD every day of the week. Zero period is the period before first (clearly), and it starts at 7:15, rather than the normal 8:00. Not everyone has zero period, and I was all “WTFZFDZSFSDSGSDG,” especially when I saw that they were all Spanish, which I did NOT sign up for. I’m tired of Spanish class, I’ve had it for the past five years and I think that’s way more than enough. I had two classes at ninth period, on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which sucks because ninth period ends at around 3:00, rather than the normal dismissal time at 2:15ish.

Zero period Spanish?!?1 WHAAAAAA???

But the good news (and this is really good news), this is the first year I’ve had free periods. During free periods, we get to do whatever, and everyone has like, at least 10 of them every week. My free periods on Monday are conveniently placed at the end of the day, which means I can leave at 12:45 on Mondays (yay!). The bad thing is that on Friday, I have two free periods after lunch, but then I have a class at 8th period, meaning I get like two and a half hours (lunch and the free periods) to do anything, but then I have to come back after that… on a Friday! It’s horrible.

Well anyway, right after homeroom, I had English, and we just talked for like the first 20 or so minutes, and then we had to make a timeline of our writing experience from when we were born to now, and I couldn’t really think of anything so I included some really unimportant facts about how I went to school and learned the alphabet and whatever. Then we got homework, where we should write “only” two pages about… something or other. Then English was over and I had Math (Pre-Calc).

My Math teacher was one of the teachers that other students have had before, but I’ve never had him, so this was really different. But the first thing was… there was a 12-year-old in our class. Now this is weird because we’re in 11th grade, and we’re like… 16 years old or so. Nobody really said anything about it (to the whole class, anyway), but we just assumed he was some really smart kid (and I’m sure he is). So anyway the teacher went over the class policy and grading policy and things like that. He’s kind of a funny guy, I guess. He says all these things, and the last one is “absolutely no food” and then he eats a spoonful of the yogurt he has on the table and says “as many of you know, these rules don’t apply to me.” Lulz.

This is relevant because Chiyo is cooking food.

Then we had History. With the same teacher we had last year. She introduced the two new students, the 12-year-old, and a girl who is his sister (I think that’s what I heard). The 12-year-old, after a question from someone about why he was here, explained what happened. He was in Kindergarten, they thought he was always really bored, so he took a test and he got moved up to second grade. He went through second to fourth grade and then moved to some other place, and they wanted to put him in second grade (because that’s where kids his age would usually be), but then he took another test and they moved him up to sixth grade, and then he went through sixth to tenth grade and here he is now. It’s just weird, because he’s like… 12. Which mean he’d graduate high school at 14, and college at 18. Seriously.

A child prodigy! Like Chiyo!!

Anyway, the teacher asked us to write down on a sheet of paper the name of the country we live in, and people wrote down different things (I wanted to write “Canada”), and she asked people to put them up on the board. Apparently, among the written answers (“US”, “America”,”United States”, “United States of America”, and “The United States of America”), the last one was actually the correct name of our country. And that’s exactly what I wrote down! And then she explained why it’s “the” and everything, and we had to write down how the states are united. Then we did and stuff. Yeah.

THEN CAME LUNCH. Geez this is a really long entry. I didn’t think I’d write this much. But anyway, lunch. We went to McDonald’s, then went to the park across the street from our school. We all had a free period right after lunch, so we didn’t really go back to homeroom because we didn’t think it was necessary. I decided to go back and get my stuff to do my homework, then I found out we actually needed to go back to homeroom. It was too late, though. When I got there, everyone was coming out, and someone asked me “where were you?” and I was like “ehh” and I went in. It turns out they marked me absent for homeroom… oh well. I’ll be there next time. So anyway I got my stuff and went back to the park and did some of my English homework.

This is relevant because they’re in gym class. I think.

Then the free period was over and we had gym for three periods. It was in the auditorium and it turns out that this year, they’d be mixing juniors and seniors in the same gym class (there seemed to be a lot more seniors though) . Great. That was sarcasm, by the way. So the gym teacher (a kinda fat guy with a mustache) went over everything, I don’t really feel like explaining all of it. Then we had to go up and sign our names for attendance, then we went out to the yard. Most of the people just sat in the shade, though. I did that too. And my homework. After that, there was pretty much nothing to do. I talked with someone about things, and how our schedules sucked (his schedule was horrible, though… really). The teacher said we’d be dismissed at 2:54, which is usually when 9th period ends, and we were all “awwww” but then he dismissed us at 2:25 and I was all “yeahhhh.”

Then, I went to the guidance counselor’s office and I was all “HEY WHY DO I HAVE ZERO PERIOD SPANISH I DIDNT SIGN UP FOR SPANISH AAAAAAH” but not really, because I wouldn’t talk in capital letters to someone like that, but you get the idea. I got my schedule changed so I wouldn’t have to take Spanish, meaning no zero period for me! Yay! Then I took the train home and listened to that one IOSYS track that I stopped on earlier this morning. Twice. Yep. And here I am. This entry is kinda boring, maybe I’ll add some images later. Maybe. (Added)

In other news, this took me about an hour to write, which is probably more time than I’ll be spending on homework today.

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