Added Yuki to create.swf, along with the suggested ??? face and Utsuho’s orb thing. And since the orb was there, it’d be strange not to have an upward-pointing arm thing, so I added it as an object.
In any case, Thefre has come back from a long period of absence, and is taking suggestions for a newer version of create.swf! Go post suggestions on his site here.
Yay, Yuki!
Yay, #600!
Yay, next weel will be Mai!
Yay, first post!
Mai is so much cooler than Yuki.
Haha, get it? >__>
Yuki ~= Yuka
Think about it.
I see what you did there :P
Also yay number 600. Create.swf is awesome!
Also, what’s pretty ironic is that “Yuki” is, as far as I know, Japanese for “snow”… and yet Mai is the one who uses ice-elemental magic (in fact according to Touhoumon Yuki uses fire magic.) So, then, what does “Mai” translate to?
FANNNNSERVICEEEEE!!! (cookies to whoever gets the stupid reference)
No but really, babelfish says it translates to My, but I highly doubt that’s accurate.
Flandre is totally oblivious to everyone’s のヮの face.
Mai’s name is written in katakana (meaning that it’s not a Japanese name like Reimu, but a foreign one like Alice), so yeah.
Obligitory “We already have Marisa” comment. Just a random remark that Yuki is unbearably hard solo in Mystic Square.
Nonowa reaches to Walfas.
Seriously, the face looks as a retarded face, but Walfas Flandre don’t need these face (no offense)…
Walfas Flandre … Walflandre?
You know what would be awesome? Geass eyes.
we need empty eyes
like as if their soul was shattered and their mind broken
@chide: like the ones in that “Artificial Children” song?
Flandre is not amused.
Or she’s just oblivious. I’d like to think she’s not amused and is about to beat on everyone. Just to prove she can.
Yukari is also not amused.
Yuki! next week, Mai!
if you are think for new faces…can be this one…:p (tongue!)
one smiling and another angry. n_n
objets,would be a biombo,a Kourindou window (more easy than make an entire background) a japanese tobbaco pipe (the long ones) a paper umbrella (if we have rain clouds,we need an umbrella!)some japan food (miso soup,rice,sushi,tea,etc)cups,glasses,books like objets.
oh,that face is funny…is like the “awesome” face (maybe a little)
thanks fot the new arm positions….
@owenkiri: or any media that involves hypnotized beings, dead people, or just raped/abused
I was randomizing with create.swf and thought the arms would work to make the “Kyah Iku-san” disco fever pose, but I think they don’t (沿)
And then I realized that there aren’t any thunder-like-happy-thunders for Iku-san Σ(゜д゜;)
And it would be AWESOME! \(|ヮ|)/ to have the HardKoa/Test-san faces.
I will stop moderately requesting random things now.
のヮの: プロデューサーさん! ドームですよ!ドーム!
We need Miku. Because leeks are nice.
Do you know coolier?(bullentin of painting of Touhou)
@Cobalt: We have leeks, at least. :P
のヮの Is it me, or am I the only one to notice that の is a Hiragana?…. Wait, no I’m not. *SHOT*
I guess whoever suggested that face already knew that. And I guess I’m mistaking の for something else?
@Mariku: No. ;)
add: mai, the eyes chicle suggested, maibell[the doll] hourai, the hourai elixar, higurashi eyes
like the ones in the night of nights higurashi rena video
You should give Parsee green eyes.
Not saying you should give EVERYONE their own eye color, but Parsee’s often identified with green eyes. (Her theme’s name, her midboss spellcard’s name…)
@thagreatcreator: I’m pretty sure Hourai canonically looks identical to Shanghai.
….Add a Hitbox Ring.
You should also add Reisen’s outfit from PoFV/SWR and Marisa’s outfit from SA. You COULD also add Reimu’s SA outfit, but all it is is shorter hair and a blue ribbon added in.
And Yukari’s PCB outfit!
upward arm thing has to be compatible with Iku.
It HAS to.
Iku needs to be able to do her tango pose.
You mean her SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER pose?
Yeah, OK, her Electric *Disco* Pose.
Let’s not forget Genjii.
And Toho Bus? Or at least that giant train from that one spellcard of Yukari’s in SWR, that spellcard is awesome and is probably the only thing satisfying about using Yukari in my opinion.
Oh, I know what create.swf needs! Kourindou and Eientei!
What about a nosebleed face? Like in many of Sakuya’s fanarts, A new SDM Outside look like on the old Halloween special and Fairy maids.