Third day

Yeah, the third day. Well, it turns out that I could’ve drawn just about any person and be like “yeah anyone can be a physicist” but I didn’t do that. Oh well, let’s see… what happened today… nothing much actually, except I had art from 7th to 9th period. Geez, it felt like forever. Personally, I don’t think I can really draw (I mean, besides silly looking characters), and today we had to go to the courtyard with this huge piece of paper and choose something to draw. I chose a tree in front of a wall. It was a bad idea. There were lots of leaves and I was like “oh god not leaves” because seriously, there were lots of leaves. Leaves will be the bane of my existence (Yes, I thought of that when I was drawing them and I was like “hey I should write about that” so here I am writing about it). That’s basically it.

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