Misc. Animation Stuff

(swf | gifs: 1 2 3)

Here’s this flash with Headphones Character and Long-Haired Character. I’ll probably add Bored-Looking Character and Teacher eventually as well. Maybe with some music and flashing lights, except I sorta fail at finding music.


And here’s the flash from the summer course I took, but with some new camera techniques (click the link to watch the original version without the fancy camera stuff). Except it’s not actually a camera because I’m not really filming anything, but you know what I mean. I made this because recently I decided to see if there was some way to move the visible area around like a camera instead of moving the entire background around the stage like I usually do, and I found something on the internet and decided to test it out. I chose to use this flash because it probably has the most action out of all the stuff I’ve ever made. Yeah.

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