Here’s a video made by the same person who made the fourth video in this post (and these other videos). I guess it’s based on this, or something. Probably.
In other news, even though I only really had two homework assignments to do (My school got to “watch” Obama’s inaugural address in the auditorium, except the live feed was a failure so we listened to it on the radio and stared at a blank screen instead. But I got to miss two class periods, so that meant not having homework for those classes.), for some reason they took me a long time to do, so I didn’t quite have time to make a daily flash… although I don’t really have any specific ideas for one right now anyway.
CUTE! ^^
Also, for those of you who missed it in the previous post-thingy, I updated Scarlet Weather Archive. “
Myon Idol!!!!
As far as homework is concerned for me. Anything higher than 0 is too much =P
Aww my waifu is doing a cute dance. = w =
Macross and touhou. What a c-c-c-c-c-combo!
should have been Kisume D:! ALL HAIL BUCKET RANKA >:O! *is shot*
Youmu is one of my favorite characters for pairing.
Damn it Youmu. Why the heck do you have to be so cute.
High school was the best for slacking off. Also I don’t remember any of my schools in the past really caring when ever a new president was inaugurated in..
You are too soft youmu
@FOE: You are so soft youmu (fixed for gramatical instantanious problem)
Ahh, I know this guy
Warning, site NSFW
Myonnnnnn~ *pouncesnugs*
And suddenly I’m addicted to shoot the video
-pushes everyone away- No she is my waifu~ stay away!
I wonder what Yuyuko would do if she saw this.
@owenkiri: She’d do this.