
Maybe “antiprocrastination” isn’t the correct word to use, but the other stuff I found isn’t that great either. Maybe “efficiency” would work too, but there’s already a daily flash about efficiency (in the engineering sense). This happens a lot (like today, specifically); I’ll think “Oh, I’ll just do my work really quickly so I’ll have more time to do stuff later.” And then later, I’m incredibly bored and have nothing to do with a lot of time left before the day is over, and then I start thinking about how pointless everything is, and that’s never good.

There, I pretty much just summarized the whole idea behind today’s daily flash, so if you read this text before watching (“reading” would probably be more accurate) the daily flash, it has been spoiled. Not that it really matters, though. Anyway, here‘s a random link to the daily flash about procrastination, because it’s related. Or it would be, if I ever get around to finishing it.

29 Responses to “Antiprocrastination”

  • Yay! I love antiprocrastination!

    Also… first?

  • YEAH! Today I will stop procrastinating and do work as quickly as possible from now on…
    after I’ve finished watching Clannad.

  • NoWaiThatsImpossible:O

    Finished work on time D8!? Impossible!

  • Ah, procrastination.
    One of the few sports I excel at.

  • For some reason, I got depressed at the end. :<

  • *sigh* Yeah, overboredom is overly boring. I feel like that to sometimes, and then I wish I were somewhere else than this boring world.

    But enough about that, Hooray opposite of procrastination!

  • It’s worse when you go through it and have a snow day the next day. Or next week as luck had it that year…

  • Productivity?

  • Etymologically, “prohodiation” might make sense. Or maybe “prohodination”? It’s been too long since I studied latin.

  • So sad when you got everything done, but the price to pay is overwhelming boredom… as a cultural apport (nah, it’s not that cultural), to have so much free time but nothing to do is called “güeva” in Spanish…

  • Antiprocrastination == higher quality weekends and the cure for papers one has to write for class that would be due a week or so from the assignment date.

  • I’ll procratinate later.

  • See? I told you procrastination was a good thing. Or maybe I didn’t.

    With that much time you should finish the Procrastination flash.

    Also, Squeak Orin on Mikovideo >ω<

  • I’d say “hurry”. :3

  • Do you have a major, full-story Touhou Flash in the works, perhaps? Those take more time to create, but if you have free time after getting your homework done, that’s an opportunity right there!

  • More like KirbyM’s flash about WALL OF TEXT CRITS YOU FOR 9001

  • Kuziko / Confused Fairy

    I think the problem with those Yahoo answer pages is that no one is understanding what the context of the question probably is, which is “Procrastination is one extreme of doing work, but what is the other one?” The other extreme can’t just be “hard working” or “action-oriented” because those are qualities people would strive for. There’s got to be something beyond that: The insatiable NEED for all tasks to be done as fast as you get them, if not somehow faster.

    The closest I can come up with is just a form of being Obsessive Compulsive.

  • hmmm, you know, I’ve always been wondering that, and I don’t think it was ever mentioned before this post: Exactly what are we supposed to read first? The flash, or your text? Like you said, it doesn’t really matter, and you probably will respond with something like, “I’ll leave that for the readers to decide”, but I’ve always been wondering :3 :4

  • Normally when I’m bored like that, I go outside and walk for three hours.

    It’s not like it helps, though.

  • How depressing.

  • What about ply touhou?

  • You know, in my experience, procrastination isn’t actually as bad of a thing as everyone probably tells you it is. As long as the work gets done either way, whether you play around first and then work, or whether you get your work done on time doesn’t really matter.

  • Amateurcrastination.

  • But y’know, procrastination guides you to the path of “not doing thins or almost not doing them”. I think that could be a pro to the antiprocastination… Still, I’m more the type of leaving all to very last second XDDD

  • @Myself: Well, I also tend to attempt to improve my music-making skills, too.

  • Now that I read this I have nothing to do and I’m strating to feel bored ¬¬

  • You could always get a job, exercise, re-study(I don’t know the word but it’s like studying past subjects that you have already studied but might not remember like something from 2 years ago, or something), or just go to wikipedia search for something about physics and try to understand it by reading all the links from stuff you don’t understand( it usually takes me about 5+ hours, would be more but theres a point that I just stop clicking new links and if I don’t understand it I just go like “whatever” and keep reading all of the tabs that are still open without opening anymore.

    I don’t know if you’ll read this but… meh.

  • I don’t understand, how can you finish your homework at 4.32 ? I’m in my classroom listening to a(n)(not)intersting lesson at that time.

    After that, I finish my classes at 5.30, arrive at home at 6.00 start to work at 6.30 and then at 6.31 begin to procrastinate until the day ends.

    Oh, and watch animu !

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