
Ah, mathletics. A clever portmanteau of the words “math” and “athletics” despite the fact that it’s not really very related to athletics. My school doesn’t have “mathletics” competitions (but it does have clubs based on math competitions like AMC), and I don’t actually know if any school actually uses the word “mathletics.” I just saw a sign at school with the word “athletics,” which came right after some other word ending with an M, and it sorta looked like the word “mathletics.” And that is the only reason why I made this daily flash. Well, besides the fact that having an actual math+athletics thing would be kinda cool to see.


For those unfamiliar with the concept of “real” and “virtual” images in terms of optics in physics, there’s always Wikipedia! Anyway, I remember when I was little and I used to believe mirrors were some sort of other world. That was probably influenced by cartoons…

Image Verification

Also known as “captcha” codes. You don’t really need to input anything into the fields to continue, just click next. Anyway, I would have added a lot more frames if I had more time, but I don’t, so yeah. You can also find a lot of funny (and real) image-verification/captcha stuff on Google.

Edit (Aug 14, 2010): Woah no one noticed that this thing says 2008 instead of 2009

Marisa Singing

And for the last spot in the four-person musical group (see these posts), we have Marisa as the lead singer! Yes, Marisa, and not another resident of the Scarlet Devil Mansion, because Marisa stole the precious spot.

Oh yeah, I keep forgetting to mention — melange reminded me (over a week ago, I guess; but I didn’t get to read it until recently) that International Saimoe League began. Information can be found here and here, so go vote for your favorite characters, Touhou or otherwise.

Videos for Mar 22, 2009

Today’s video post! A completed version of the Reimu Night of Nights video that spawned a ton of other similar (but not as awesome) videos, a Yukkuri version of Cirno’s Perfect Math Class, a completed version of that one Touhou video with Backstreet Boys music (I don’t think I’ve posted earlier versions of it), a parody of the Ranma 1/2 OP, a Lucky-Star based Paffendorf with EoSD characters, and an Innocent Key flash (by the person who made these other videos) about a potion… well, you can figure it out.





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