
Based on an actual comment during a class discussion regarding the veil of ignorance. It was pretty much the same activity, and there was this one of a guy wearing a suit and using a laptop while smiling, and someone said what was said by Unnamed Character in the flash. And it was awesome.


Marisa Stole the Precious Thing (yet again), but with a bunch of weird stuff.


Yeah, no school today! Well, today is pretty much over, but you know what I mean. No school tomorrow either. Anyhow, changed the site theme to something autumn-ish. Here‘s the original image (I have no idea where it’s from; I have it on my computer from like two years ago). You may have to ctrl+F5 to get the background to look right, though.

Code Lavender

IT’S A CODE BLUE, GUYS! CODE BLUE! Well, they actually said something about a code blue during 5th period, and the thing about reporting to the hallway outside the gym. The teacher said it was nothing, and we continued our class discussion. Apparently it was something about knowing CPR.

“Code Blue” in the flash has just been replaced by “Code Lavender” because I just realized a Code Blue is a potentially dangerous medical emergency and whatnot. Yeah. I don’t think there’s a Code Lavender, so that should be okay.

【MAD】 八意永琳 [ヤゴコロメイテル]


Some sort of Touhou MAD. It doesn’t really seem to be anything specific, just Touhou in general. Actually, nevermind, it’s based on this video.