


Today’s video post consists of this thing involving Sakuya as a hair stylist.

Create.swf – Ichirin

Added a revised version of Ichirin to create.swf, also some other things:

Obj: Spray (colorable), spoon, bowl, balloon (stringless), laptop closed, tengu mask
Acc: Taped mouth, Advent Cirno (reversed), Tengu mask
Body: Mummy, Kimono (red white), flame pants
Back: Black dragon wings
Hat: Tengu mask
Eyes: 130-132

Blanket object can be colored black and white
NWTI Marisa is now colorable, Darkness is now colorable

Videos for Nov 7, 2010

Videos for today: IOSYS PV starring Cirno, a World’s End Dancehall video with a whole lot of Touhou characters, a Cirno Catcher thing by KamiNekoYu, and then an Ika Musume thing starring Suwako.



??????????????????????????? DX?????


Continue reading ‘Videos for Nov 7, 2010’

Create.swf – Nazrin, Kogasa

Added revised versions of Nazrin and Kogasa, also added a revised Yukari preset (hair based on the non-PCB/IaMP version). Also these things:

Obj: Spray bottle (colorable), water spray, spraypaint can, Marisa (NWTI), dust cloud
BG: Clocktower (sunset & night), Earth from space, Cathedral (red tint)
Body: Reimu (white), Meira (2 alt)
Hat: Reimu ribbon (white)
Arms: Reimu (white)
Acc: Red-white scarf
Back: Green dragon
Hair: Yukari (2)
Mouth: 83-84

【Namco X Capcom OPパロ】東方 X 新幻想鄕 【手書き】

?Namco X Capcom OP????? X ???? ?????

Hey, it’s Sunday (also Halloween I guess), and you know what that means!! This video post!! Wow, a video!!