Search Results for 'reimu'

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Added Sikieiki to create.swf, along with a bunch of other stuff! So today’s half day was kinda boring… I got home at around noon, and I haven’t actually done anything. Yeah. Uhh, I’m unsure if I’ll be making a Touhou flash this week, but I kind of have an idea and if I can develop it further by tomorrow, I might start on it. Possibly. And if I do, I’ll try to keep the recycled jokes to a minimum (although something has to catch on fire, sorry).

Also, I changed my wallpaper to this Reimu one by Studio S.D.T. The image can be found here, with a higher resolution version at Konachan here. I’ve actually had the image for a really long time, I just haven’t used it as a wallpaper until now.


Today wasn’t really that interesting at all, actually. So of course I had to make up some things. Oh yeah and I also added to the links on the right side. Check it out, because it’s awesome.

Oh! I just remembered an insignificant point of interest! The Anime Club’s flyers posted around the school actually ask people if they have watched anime such as Naruto, Bleach, and Dragon Ball Z. Now, I was just making fun of typical “anime-watchers” in my flash about school clubs when I said that they probably just watch Naruto and Bleach (and now Dragon Ball Z, apparently), but these flyers confirm whatever suspicions I had. I should have known.

Open windows

It kinda makes sense, I guess. I dunno, I probably could’ve gone a lot of different ways with this, what with ninjas coming into the classroom and whatnot. Oh well. This actually happened, actually… besides the whole “turning into a ?” thing. But luckily, I had my jacket with me! It was still kinda cold though. And when someone said “you know, it’s illegal to have the window open more than nine inches, because someone could just jump out,” all I could think about was ? and how Cirno would probably jump out the window (and then forget that she could fly). Well, I didn’t really think of the second part of that at the time, but I’m thinking it now.

Tomorrow’s Friday, hooray! I kinda have an idea for the next flash… sort of. But I don’t know where it would go, like how it’d end and whatnot. We’ll see when I try to make it, I guess. I usually get some random ideas the night before I decide to make flashes. I don’t really get any ideas when I’m trying hard to think of them, but they come naturally when I’m not really thinking about them that much. That ReimuBurger flash was actually some random idea I got when I went to bed on Saturday.


Komachi is charging her power! No way! that’s impossible!

Added Komachi, a scythe, some sort of CHARGING POWER accessory, and a bunch of new backgrounds taken directly from the ReimuBurger flash. I attempted to add the “Berserk Eye Reimu” face, but it kinda failed. It’s in there, if you want to see it.

Update: Wow, the ReimuBurger flash is already up on nicovideo. I think I’ll just add some links to the nicovideo… videos…. in the flash page.

Not a flash

No, this is not another flash, although it probably will be some time in the future. I was trying to include the ideas that people gave on the Touhou imageboard thread, since a lot of them involved a lack of donations to the shrine and whatever, so I drew Reimu in the Shrine with a computer (because she accepts donations on the internet). I was thinking it’d be “Shrine Appreciation Day” or some other made-up holiday, and people would be visiting the shrine (“Look, it’s a shrine! Let’s sit here and appreciate it.”) and Reimu would come up with some way to get money from them, probably something involving setting things on fire, but then I realized… I don’t really know where to go from there.

I probably won’t have a new Touhou flash up this week (Unless you count the Cirno game, of course). Yeah, I know I don’t really need to make so many flashes because I’m not really on a schedule or anything, but I dunno, I kinda want to make one each week. So uhh… brainstorm ideas for me or something. I will attempt to make a Touhou flash next week! For now, I guess I’ll try to finish watching all of Lucky Star by tomorrow (I have four episodes left to watch).