A 3D version of that Reimu Night of Nights thing! Since I spent the whole day writing an essay (well, most of it was figuring out what to write) on Doctor Faustus, this content of this post is pretty much pre-prepared! All right!
Cooking shows always seem to have something pre-prepared! That makes it so that you can’t cook in real time! But I guess if it were in real time, it’d be pretty boring and would take up way too much time. Not that I watch cooking shows because I want to cook or anything (I can’t cook). The food’s just nice to look at. Though it kinda makes me wonder how many people actually cook while watching cooking shows, and happen to have all the required materials when the show airs on TV, without knowing beforehand what the episode is going to be about.
Woaaaah okay so there’s a lot of videos this week. Most of them are “Bad Apple!!” related. I will edit this post very soon with what the videos are about. Summer colors PV, Bambi playing Cirno’s Perfect Math Class (the slow version), some ZUN art stuff from kamS, Youmu being a gardener, Aki sisters doing stuff, followed by a bunch of Bad Apple!! stuff.
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