Touhou music stuff

I didn’t really know what to post about today (The same will probably apply tomorrow), so I decided to check out YouTube for some videos that I could possibly post with. Unfortunately, I haven’t really favorited anything in the past week or so, because I couldn’t really find anything interesting. And then I noticed Blargel uploaded a new video about two days ago, which is always awesome. Here’s some piano stuff.

And then here’s something I happened to find about a week or two ago, some sort of bleeper music thingy with that “Unlocked Girl” song by IOSYS (A song I always associate with oysters for some reason; probably because one day I was listening to that song looping for about an hour while I was watching an episode of Nature on PBS about oysters or clams or something like that), which is also awesome.

And I’m guessing it’d probably be better to comment on the YouTube pages themselves rather than doing so here, because after all, these are not actually my videos.

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