
You know… I think I actually learn a lot more when I make flashes about these kinds of things. Because when I do, I actually look up the historical event on the internet and read through it to get a basic understanding of what happened (and then I go ahead and disregard what I just read, making it as historically-inaccurate as necessary). Although of course, I pretty much only use Wikipedia, so as far as I know, this might have actually happened. But anyway, that’s besides the point. Alexander Hamilton was a bank guy. Yep, bank guy.

29 Responses to “Duels”

  • “It’s be time yo D-d-d-d-d-d-d-duel!”
    Gets Shot.
    “Oh…a card duel whoops.”
    Good Job!

  • A danmaku duel would’ve been better for poor Hamilton.

  • It was one of the funniest flashes.

  • Lol, I used to play yu-gi-oh

  • Gun Sign [Single Shot Kill]

  • Aaron Burr is the extra stage boss?
    Excellent flash.

  • I knew it was coming but it was still oh so hilarious. XD

  • I foresaw that Yugioh joke the instant I saw the theme of today’s flash.
    Also, Burr is a cheating bastard, turning around to fire after three paces (note the powder flash).

  • Thus proving Danmaku Duels are more dangerous than Card duels.

    Phantasmagoria:1 Children’s trading cards:0

  • This came from your econ class didn’t it?
    My teacher told us the same thing a few weeks earlier xD

  • I don’t watch Yu-Gi-Oh, so I wasn’t expecting it. n.n;

    Still awesome, tho “

  • Wow, either Hamilton has a huge hitbox, or he sucks at danmaku.

    Either way, what kind of card duel? Yu-gi-oh, poker, or spell cards only duel?

  • @Gpop
    I thought the Yu-Gi-Oh! D-D-D-D-D-D-D-Duel reference was enough for people to understand the joke.

  • Wikipedia is fine. Just make sure the sources have been cited properly. Examine the talk and history tabs if you need further confirmation.

  • Lesson of the day: Yu-gi-oh can be detrimental to your death around people who like to duel with guns.

  • He should’ve grazed that shot =0

  • lmao

    That bullet wound is so small

  • oh god, poor guy.
    lol card duel

  • He should have dead bombed.

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    Sadly, this didn’t occur near the start of GX.

    Otherwise, it would have had an early end, and everyone would have been spared from it’s existence.

    Also… my favorite part of this flash was Unnamed Characters “fantasizing” expression. That’s hilarious.

    It’s kinda like when Osaka gets that goofy, fixed stare on her face, and everyone instantly knows that she’s fantasizing about something bizarre, again. Cute, and lovable at the same time.

    Oh, Unnamed Character.. don’t ever lose your charming and hilarious imagination.

    It’s why we love you and why you endear yourself to our hearts, and our spleens.

  • This is even funnier for me, knowing that later President Andrew Jackson challenged Charles Dickinson to duel, and got shot on purpose in order to get closer to make sure he killed the guy. LOL History. I wish modern politics were decided like this. ~_~

  • Hamilton didn’t have any orbs. He couldn’t have bombed even if he wanted to!

  • “Screw the rules, I have presidency!” -A. Hamilton

  • It’s time you fight like a man, I challenge you to a children’s card game!

  • So it wasn’t a dual duel?

  • Well that’s what he gets for trying to pull yu-gi-oh stuff. That guy had bad am though, should’ve aimed for the head ^_^

  • *tumbleweed*

  • Hamilton would’ve totally wasted Burr if he had the time to pull out his deck sooner and shout, “Spell Card Polymerization! Fuse these three Blue-Eyes White Dragons to summon the Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!”
    Well there are spell cards in Yu-Gi-Oh too…

  • And Trap Cards to Activate.

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