
Hit my face on one of those big subway turnstiles (the ones that are like revolving doors, except not doors) today by going too fast. Kinda hurt. At least there’s no mark or anything.

25 Responses to “Injuries”

  • Lesson of the day seems to be to not tell lies when there are people around who can tear them apart, hmm?

  • How does a turnstile get close to your head?

    I’ve never seen a turnstile go much farther up than my waist.

    Oh, I guess there are those ones at airports I saw once. Hrm.

    Security an issue in those subways? xD

  • Haha. Funny stuff happen every now and then.

  • Bye see you tomorrow! Walking while still waving… still walking while waving unknown of the pole… still walking an waving…CRASH!
    And thats what happened! =D

  • @Jay: I don’t know if they’re actually called “turnstiles,” but here’s what I mean: [link]

  • Oooh, that “OH SHIT” expression on Nameless Chara needs to make its way into create.swf~

  • I’m prity sure I posted this on them forums once but me and my friend did have an attempted mugging. luk-u-ly my friend grabed the guy around then neck with out looking when he jumped out at us. It was kind of awesome.

  • Oh… I know those type of stiles. Kinda like an old variant in London or Indonesia.
    Damn, I had a friend whom I was walking with to school once, she crossed under the school’s entrance stile, when suddenly, the thing just came right down on her head. It was pretty funny, until she staggered and swayed and *flop* right onto the floor… then it was just cruel.

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    Ha ha.

    You need to be more careful. Like me–HEY WHAT OH SHI–*walks into pole*


    Yes. Somehow I have died from my injury. Please tell my wife I love her.

    *blinks and fades out like in Double Dragon*

  • *uses Phoenix Down on Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick* I second the move to adding the “OSHIT” look to create.swf :3

    And that does sound awesome, Moku. :3

  • SHE

    Y U DO DIS TO US :(

  • Lol ouch

  • @Kirby: Those would just be a revolving door.

  • Is it just me, or is long-haired girl (or whatever) the best character in this?

  • Revolving doors are Satan’s invention!

  • Marissa Stole The 1957 Buick

    Thank you for bringing me back to life, KimikoMuffin.

    You have my eternal gratitude. In joy and reverence I shall award you with a mystical bag of never-ending candy.

    You simply reach into it an infinite number of times and pull out any type of candy you desire at any time. This is a gift I bestow onto you.

    *flies away into the night*

  • remember me when i was very young (ten years?) found a gigant spring (not joke) and someone who runs collided with me and the spring hurts me.But i donĀ“t knowed and only when go to the bathroom see blood in my face.
    now i found fun think who spring can hurts. (XD yes,Lily White.)

  • Hey, everybody knows that poles are responsible for 9% of all violent mugging attempts.

  • Yay, candy! *runs out of teeth*


  • *Psh* What OBVIOUSLY happened was Dio Brando and a certain maid were having an epic struggle in frozen time. Being the uncaring villain that Dio is, he figured he had time to throw a pole at you in order to revive his music career.

  • Unnamed character is oddly adorable just standing there with a blank look and a bandage on her face.

  • Wow, funny thing is that this happened to me once, hah, serves me right for walking around without my glasses.

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