Staff Development Day

Ah yes, “staff development day.” Nobody really knows what it is, but nobody questions it because we don’t have to go to school. Anyway, there were some problems with the site before (some error message, then a rollback), but I guess they’re fixed now… hopefully. I spent most of the afternoon fixing stuff on different parts of the site, and not so much time on making today’s flash. Oh well. Sometimes it’s good when stuff goes wrong, because then I learn how to fix it. Today, I learned how to upload large SQL files without experiencing timeout errors! Yay!

19 Responses to “Staff Development Day”

  • Must… develop… staff…

  • Just five more dragon fangs!

  • Up here in British Columbia, Canada, we have something like that too.

    About one every month, they’re called “Professional Development Days”. The students get the day off–which are inconsistent between schools–while teachers get stuck having to go to school.

    Instead, the teachers attend lessons and workshops on that day, regarding the latest teaching techniques and crap.

    Once a year, they’ll have one which is district wide (meaning all schools are out on the same day).

    I imagine your SD day is along those lines too.

  • My staff development days in high school happened once every two weeks but instead of a day off, classes started an hour later…

  • lol unnamed character and longhaired character are wearing plain shirts today :D

  • The Staff developments for my old High School were the day before everyone got back to school from their 2 week holiday.

  • Apparently that day here is a meeting in which teacher’s all meet up with their fellow staff members of the same subject to discuss the upcoming year’s plans and make out some sort of general guideline for the curriculum. Though I can see that there are a few choice teachers that would spend their time playing a game or something as well.

  • I guess the teacher had a reunion with the other teacher but since the same teachr represents all teachers ( except maybe fr the other ones that appeared just once) she had notheing to do because she’d be crazy to discuss somthing with herslef.

    Am I right?
    I guess so but don’t ask me I wont argue you…
    Yeah I mean, I wouldn’t argue ith myself would I?
    Sure not man
    Ok Shuddap then
    Roger =X

  • lol unnamed character and longhaired character are wearing plain shirts today :D >>> i think they are naked

  • They’re wearing plain shirts because they’re not in school.

  • nonsense, what they do is bureucratic things which they waited all year for in order for the file to be processed. then they decide on the revisions then ship it out for the next “speedy” filing.
    Speaking of bureaucratic doccuments…

    Lol, touhou boards never cease to entertain me.

  • Are you sure you’re not sitting around the house in the nude KirbyM? That would make lots of people extermely happy tonight.

  • Yeah, naked is more awesome :3

  • We have them here in England too, they’re called “staff inset days” here.

  • These daily flashes are good and all, but what happened to the good ol’ flashes?
    I mean the ones where Reimu burned everything and stuff, been a while since I’ve seen one of those.

    And only level 65? :V

  • HAH! Level 25 I get to equip with a wizard staff!

  • There is a holiday in the first Thursday of June.
    It only exist in Brooklyn and Queens, NY though.

  • I remember one day I went early (Bay Area, CA), all the teachers/staff in the building met up in the library and were talking about current issues/budgets/plans for upcoming events, as well as grade standards.

    Basically your “How do I shot Grades” and “Allocate GP to This Event?” stuffs.


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