More uninteresting stuff

Well, it’s another day, and another uninteresting blog entry. I’m kinda running out of things to say, actually, so I guess I’ll just… write about some short things every day and include a drawing. This is a drawing I made yesterday. As you can probably tell with the text on the bottom, I don’t know where I was going with it. But anyway, it’s the first Monday of the school year, and I got out at 12:45ish, which will be the time I get out every Monday (unless the schedule changes).

I got home, and started my homework at around 1:15 or something, and I just finished about half an hour ago, at 4:20ish. I had this math homework (it’s never collected, but I tend to do them anyway because the stuff is usually on tests/quizzes, and we have a quiz tomorrow) and along with it were two extra credit problems. “Oh, it’s just two problems,” I thought. THOSE WERE THE TWO MOST CONFUSING PROBLEMS EVER. It had tons of variables and lots of dividing and subscripts and multiplication and all that. And I probably got most of them wrong. So yeah. Awesome. Two more days until a four-day weekend! Thank you, Jewish holidays.

I also added Mystia to the Touhou character creation flash yesterday, along with some items (microphone, fans), and an “accessory” (music note in a speech bubble). I think I’ll add some more stuff later today.

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