Yet another “More unintersting stuff”

Well, today was yet another school day… it seemed kinda short, though. We have a physics quiz tomorrow, about dimensional analysis and converting to/from the metric and English systems. It doesn’t seem that hard, actually, since we’ll be given the conversion factors and the prefixes and their values (centi-, milli-, kilo-, etc). Seriously, why does the US have to use the non-metric system? IT’S NOT COOL. Oh yeah the teacher said it had something to do with carpentry or something. But still, it’s not cool. We should all be using the metric system!

And then later I had a Math quiz, it was kinda easy, I guess. It was about lines and stuff. Yeah. Then we had this assembly about something or other… like school policy and all that. Apparently they’ll be installing these machines that we can swipe our student IDs through every morning for attendance. It seems so high-tech and stuff! What if it suddenly turned evil and attacked us with lasers and stuff!? Everyone would be like “I knew that was a bad idea. You should’ve listened” but nobody ever listens.

Then we had lunch, about 15 minutes early. After lunch we had homeroom, and I expected someone on the radio (We have a school “radio” that broadcasts every day at homeroom. It’s actually just like… intercom announcements, but they like to call it a radio show because it sounds cooler, I guess) to say something about September 11th… because you know… it’s September 11th today. But nobody really said anything. I don’t remember hearing anyone mention it, actually… which is weird considering that the school is in New York.

At the end, they were like “Ten years ago today…” and I was thinking “wait, wasn’t it 6 years?” and then they ended the sentence with something about some singer releasing a song that became a hit, and I was like “Whaa? What about 9/11?” Nobody brought it up. Oh well.

After that, I had a free period and I didn’t really have much homework to do, other than math (which ended up taking 10 minutes anyway), but I didn’t have my math textbook with me. So I started drawing some things on pieces of paper. I drew this mini-comic thing about Kaguya and Reisen, and then a picture of Youmu/Myon and Yuyuko. Yeah, I think I’ll scan it tomorrow when I get home. It’s not that good, actually. But I think the fact that it’s not that good makes it more interesting.

Then we had gym, and since it was raining a lot outside and the buses didn’t come yet, we had to stay in the auditorium (we were supposed to go to some other gym in some other place). It was pretty boring. Sitting there and talking and whatnot. But then later we got to leave about 45 minutes earlier than usual, so that was awesome. When I went outside, I saw some school buses and I was like “lawl.”

Then I went home and did my math homework. It took about 10 minutes. And here I am. At home. I’ll go draw something in flash and put it up at the top of this post later. I don’t know what it’ll be about, though.

In other news, awesome.

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